
Laws about Brighton and Hove


Other categories of laws:
Transport: railways, trams, trolleys, roads
Utilities: water, gas, electricity

For notes about presentation, see introduction.


Brighton Street Act
An Act for paving, lighting, and cleaning the Streets, Lanes, and Places, within the Town of Brighthelmstone, in the County of Sussex; for removing Nuisances and Annoyances, and preventing the like for the future; for holding and regulating a Market within the said Town; for building and repairing Groyns, in order to render the Coast safe and commodious for Ships or Vessels to unload and land Sea Coal, Culm, and other Coal, for the Use of the Inhabitants of the said Town, and for laying a Duty thereon: and for other Purposes,
13 Geo III c.34
Royal assent 7 April 1773

Brighton Town Act
13 Geo III c.34
Established 64 town commissioners with powers to pave, light and clean streets; hold a daily market; regulate the market, nuisances and signs in the streets; build and repair groynes, etc. A rate of up to 3s (15p) in the £ could be levied, coal landed on the beach could be taxed to pay for sea defences and up to £3,000 could be borrowed to build the market hall. Residents had to sweep the pavement before their houses daily between 8:00 and 10:00 am except on Sundays. The Act banned animal slaughtering in the streets.

Thomas Western's Estate Act
An act for vesting the settled estate of Thomas Walsingham Western clerk, in the county of Sussex, in him and his heirs, and for settling an estate of greater value in the county of Essex in lieu thereof, and in exchange for the same.
34 Geo III c.25
Royal assent 17 April 1794
Western owned the Withdean Estate, which was bought by William Roe in 1794.


Scrase's Estate Act
An Act for enabling Trustees to enfranchise certain Copyhold Estates in the Manor of Brighthelmstone, and to grant Leases of certain of certain other Tenements, devised by [Charles Scrase's] Will.
39&40 Geo III c.117
Royal Assent 30 March 1800

Brighton Chapel of Ease Act
An Act to establish a Chapel of Ease at Brighthelmston in the County of Sussex.
43 Geo III c.91
Royal assent 24 June 1803
Authority to consecrate a chapel built and furnished at his own expence by the Vicar of Brighton, Rev Thomas Hudson, to cater for the growing number of inhabitants and visitors, for whom the parish Church of St Nicholas of Myra is not large enough.

Stanmer (Sussex) and Falmer Parishes Amalgamation Act
49 Geo III c.109
Royal assent 19 January 1809
A Private Act, including an exchange of land with Thomas Earl of Chichester

Brighthelmstone Improvement Act
50 Geo III c.38
aka Brighton Town Act
Increased the number of town commissioners from 64 to 106; local MPs, lords of the manor, the vicar and the high constable were also appointed commissioners ex officio. Replacements on the death or resignation of commissioners were to be elected by rate-payers. The commissioners were to appoint constables, watchmen and beadles and the Directors and Guardians of the Poor, previously the responsibility of the parish. Powers included naming and numbering of streets; licensing bathing machines, hackney carriages and sedan chairs; regulating weights and measures and sewers; road widening and improvement and construction of a town hall. Thatched buildings were banned and new-build householders had to provide pavements at their own expense. Rubbish and night-soil could not be dumped in the streets or sewers or on the beach. Games were not allowed in the streets.
Repealed by Brighthelmstone Improvement and Poor Relief Act 1825 c.179.

Brighthelmstone Suspension Pier Act
An Act for erecting and maintaining a Chain Pier and other Works connected therewith, at the town of Brighthelmston in the County of Sussex.
3 Geo IV c.102
Royal assent 5 July 1822
Authority to build a pier, naming the promoters of the scheme and specifying the nature and uses of it.

Erection of a chapel at Brighthelmston (Sussex)
An Act for building a Chapel in the Eastern Parts of the Town of Brighthelmston in the County of Sussex.
5 Geo IV c.11
Royal assent 3 June 1824
A Private Act

Brighthelmston Chapels Act
An Act for building Two Chapels in the Town of Brighthelmston in the County of Sussex.
6 Geo IV c.122
Royal assent 10 June 1825
Authority to build and consecrate two chapels: one at St Margaret's Place off Cannon Place, the other in St James's Street, both to be built at the expence of Bernard Gregory.

Brighthelmston Improvement and Poor Relief Act
An Act for the better regulating, paving, improving and managing the Town of Brighthelmston, in the County of Sussex, and the Poor thereof.
6 Geo IV c.179
aka Brighton Town Act
Royal Assent 22 June 1825
Increased the number of town commissioners from 106 to 116, removed the ex officio appointees and mandated annual elections among rate-payers to replace or re-elect 16 commissioners who had to resign each year in rotation. The average period of office was thus seven years. Rate-payers were also given the responsibility of electing guardians of the poor. Other powers included construction of a town hall (opened 1832), a market, a prison and tollgates at the town boundaries; watering of streets and provision of a fire-engine, corn, hay and cattle markets; closure of slaughterhouses that caused a nuisance. The tax on coal landed from the sea was extended to coal brought in by road.
Repealed (except for ss.260-262) by Brighton Commissioners Transfer Act 1855 c.6.

Brighthelmston Chapels of Ease Act
An Act for the Appropriation of Two Chapels as Chapels of Ease to the PArish Church of Brightohelmston, in the County of Sussex.
7 Geo IV c.3
Royal assent 22 March 1826
Authority for St James's Chapel in St James's Street, of which Nathaniel Kemp is the proprietor, and Trinity Chapel in Duke Street, of which the proprietor is Rev Robert Anderson, to become chapels of ease for the parish church.

Hove Chapel of Ease Act
9 Geo IV c.15

Hove Improvement Act
An Act for paving, lighting, watching, cleansing and otherwise improving Brunswick Square and Brunswick Terrace, and certain other streets and other public places upon certain grounds late part of a farm called 'The Wick Farm' in the parish of Hove in the county of Sussex.
11 Geo IV c.16
aka Brunswick Square and Brunswick Terrace Improvement Act
Allowed the proprietors and inhabitants to pave, drain and light the Brunswick Town area, administered by the Brunswick Town Commissioners and to levy rates and borrow money on the security of the rates. By the time of the 1873 Act the Commissioners owed £5,000 on that security, The clerk's office was at 1 Pavilion Parade. An appointed Surveyor and Collector of Taxes and Rates operated under this Act, as did the Registrar of Births.

Earl of Chichester's Act
An Act for uniting the Rectory and Parish Church of Stanmer in the County of Sussex with the adjoining Vicarage and Parish Church of Falmer, and for exchanging the Parsonage House and Glebe Land of Stanmer and the Vicarage House of Falmer, for certain Pieces of Land at Falmer, being Part of the settled Estates of the Right Honourable Henry Thomas Earl of Chichester, on which a new Parsonage House has been built at the Expence of the said Earl.
4&5 Will IV c.21
Royal assent 21 July 1835

Brighton Cemetery Act
An Act for establishing a General Cemetery for the Interment of the Dead in the Parish of Brighton in the County of Sussex.
2&3 Vict c.96
Royal assent 17 August 1839
Establishes the Brighton Cemetery Company, naming the promoters, to create a cemetery on 20 acres of a 'certain Plot or Parcel of Ground called or known by the Names of Scabs Castle and Part of the Sheep Down, bounded mainly by land belonging to Thomas Read Kemp, except for parts of the northern, southern and western side owned by John Whichelo, and adjacent to the turnpike road to Lewes.

Brighton and New Shoreham Small Debts Recovery Act
An Act for the more easy and speedy Recovery of Small Debts within the Towns and Boroughs of Brighton and New Shoreham, and other Places or Parishes adjacent or near thereto, in the County of Sussex.
3&4 Vict c.10
Royal assent 23 March 1840
Created a Court of Justice for the Reovery of s=Small Debts to be known as the Brighton Court of Requests, meeting at not more than two-monthly intervals and covering Preston, Hove, West Blatchington, Hangleton, Aldrington, Portslade, Southwick, Kingston (otherwise Kingston by Sea or Kingston Bowsey) and Old Shoreham, as well as Brighton and New Shoreham.
Repealed by County Courts Act 1846 c.95 and Order in Council 9 March 1847.

Withdean Estate Act
An Act for enabling the Trustees of the Settlement made under Orders of the High Court of Chancery, after the Marriage of Chaloner Ogle Esquire and Elisa Sophia Frances Ogle his Wife, to grant Building, Improving, and other Leases of certain Estates and Hereditaments situate at Patcham in the County of Sussex, comprised in the said Settlement.
12&13 Vict c.11
Royal Assent 28 July 1849
A Private Act
The Act is available online and includes a schedule of all the Withdean estate properties and tenancies at that time

Royal Pavilion, Brighton, &c, Act
An Act to authorize the Sale of the Royal Pavilion at Brighton, and the Grounds thereof; and to apply the Money arising from such Sale.
12&13 Vict c.102
A Public rather than Local Act.

Brighton Improvement (Purchase of the Royal Pavilion and Grounds) Act
An Act to enable the Commissioners acting under an Act passed in the Sixth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, for better regulating, paving, improving and managing the Town of Brighthelmston in the County of Sussex and the Poor thereof, to purchase, improve, and manage the Royal Pavilion at Brighton and the Grounds thereof, and to enlarge, extend, and apply the Powers and Provisions of the same Act with reference thereto.
13&14 Vict c.5
Royal Assent 17 May 1850
Allowed the town to buy the Royal Pavilion from the Crown for £53,000.
Repealed by Brighton Commissioners Transfer Act 1855 c.6.w

Brighton Extramural Cemetery Company's Act
An Act for the Consecration of a Portion of hte Brighton Extramural Cemetery.
14&15 Vict c.98
Royal assent 24 July 1851
Repealed (except s.9) by Brighton Corporation Act 1954 c.53.

Brunswick Square Improvement and Extension Act
An Act to extend the Limits of the Brunswick Square (Hove) Improvement Act, and for other purposes.
14&15 Vict c.140
Royal assent 7 August 1851
Extends the area to include the 'New District' of Queen Adelaide Crescent [sic] and 'several Streets, Ways, and public Places, ... and other in the course of Formation and Erection'.

Brighton Commissioners Transfer Act
An Act to transfer to the Corporation of the Town of Brighton the Property, Powers, Privileges, and Liabiolities of the BRighton Improvement Commissioners.
18&19 Vict c.6
Royal assent 5 May 1855
The town commissioners were abolished as from 29 May 1855, all powers being transferred to the new town council.
Repealed by the Brighton Corporation Act 1931 c.109.

Incorporation of Brighton Act
An Act to confirm the Incorporation of the Borough of Brighton.
18&19 Vict c.31
Established a corporation of a mayor, 12 aldermen and 36 councillors with control over the new police force, with quarter sessions and a coroner.

Hove Improvement Act
21&22 Vict c.120
Established the West Hove Improvement Commissioners to oversee the area not covered by the Brunswick Town Commissioners (see 1830), with an optional exemption for the Bellingham, Stanford, Vallance and Wisden estates. Hove Police Commissioners were also created for the whole parish of Hove, with six Commissioners from Brunswick Town and four from West Hove.
All but s.54 repealed by Hove Commissioners Act 1873, c95.

Brighton West Pier Act
An Act to incorporate the Brighton West Pier Company, and to enable them to construct a Pier at Brighton in the County of Sussex; and for other Purposes.
29&30 Vict c.361
Royal assent 10 August 1866
The Brighton West Pier Company had been incorporated by a Memorandum of Association on 21 July 1863 with a capital of £20,000, increased to £25,000 on 15 October 1863. The pier is nearly completed.

Brighton Pavilion Act
An Act to authorize the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the Town of Brighton to borrow further Sums of Money for improving the Pavilion Estate, and for other Purposes.
30&31 Vict c.22
Royal assent 31 May 1867
Repealed by Local Government Board Provisional Order Confirmation (No 8) Act 1891, c70 and Brighton Corporation Act 1931 c.109.

Brighton Aquarium and Improvements Act
An Act for re-incorporating and giving additional powers to the Brighton Aquarium Company; and for other purposes.
32&33 Vict c 88
Royal assent 12 July 1869
Authority to raise £50,000 by shares and £12,500 by borrowing to build a new road (Madeira Road) and sea wall between Grand Junction Road and the Chain Pier and to get the Corporation to pay towards the cost.
Repealed by Brighton Corporation Act 1901 c.224.

Stanford's Estate Act
An Act to authorise the granting of Building and Improvement Leases of the Estates in the County of Sussex devised by the Will of William Stanford, Esquire, and for other purposes.
34&35 Vict c.9
A private Act, available online.

Brighton Aquarium (Capital) Act
An Act to enable the Brighton Aquarium Company to raise additional Capital.
36&37 Vict c.26
Royal assent 15 May 1873
Having exceded the capital previously raised under the 1869 Act, this is authority to raise more money to complete the works.
Repealed by Brighton Corporation Act 1901 c.224.

Hove Commissioners Act
An Act for the Local Government of the parish of Hove in the county of Sussex; and for other purposes.
36&37 Vict c.95
Amalgamated the Brunswick Town and West Hove Commissioners with the Hove Police Commissioners into a single body, as a protection against takeover by Brighton.

Brighton Borough Extension Act
36&37 Vict c.125
Incorporated into Brighton 905 acres of Preston to the east of Dyke Road.
Repealed by the Brighton Corporation Act 1931 c.109.

The Withdean Estate Act
An Act for amending and extending the Act passed in the 12th and 13th years of the reign of Her present Majesty [1849], intituled "An Act for enabling the Trustees of the Steelement made under orders of the High Court of Chancery after the marriage of Chaloner Ogle, Esquire, and Eliza Sophia Frances Ogle, his wife, to grant building, improving, and other leases of certain estates and hereditaments situate at Patcham, in the county of Sussex, comprised in the said Settlement.
37&38 Vict c.9
Royal assent 7 August 1874
A private Act

Brighton Order
Confirmed by
Education Department Provisional Order Confirmation (No 2) Act
37&38 Vict c.153

Brighton Order
Confirmed by
Education Department Provisional Order Confirmation (Brighton) Act
38&39 Vict c.8

Brighton Pavilion Acts Amendment Act
An Act for amending the Act (Local) of the thirteenth year of Her present Majesty, chapter five, commonly known as the Brighton Improvement (Purchase of Royal Pavilion, &c.) Act; and for other purposes.
39&40 Vict c.34
Repealed by Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No 8) 1891 c.70 and Brighton Corporation Act 1931 c.109

Brighton Order
Confirmed by
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (Aberavon, &c) Act
An Act to confirm certain Provisional Orders of the Local Government Board relating to the Boroughs of Aberavon, Andover, Brighton, and Burnley, the Districts of Merthyr Tydvil and Pensarn, the Rural Sanitary District of the Tadcaster Union, and the Borough of Truro.
39&40 Vict c.87
Repealed by Brighton Coproration Act 1931 c.109.

Hove Commissioners Act
An Act for conferring further Powers on the Hove Commissioners; and for other purposes.
40&41 Vict c.168
Includes addition of part of Aldrington to Hove.
Repealed by Hove Corporation Act 1947 c.30.

Brighton Aquarium (Capital) Act
An Act to enable the Brighton Aquarium Company to raise additional Capital.
41&42 Vict c.2
Repealed by Brighton Corporation Act 1901, c.224.

Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (Abergavenny Union, &c) Act
41&42 Vict c.164
Confirms Brighton order 1878 [qv]

Brighton and Preston Order
Confirmed by
Education Department Provisional Orders Confirmation (Brighton and Preston, &c) Act
42&43 Vict c.58
Concerns Brighton and Preston School Board, unified in 1881.

Goldsmid Estate Act
An Act to authorise the granting of Building and Improvement Leases of the Estates devised by the Will of Sir Isaac Lyon Goldsmid, Baronet, and for other purpose.
42&43 Vict c.6
Royal assent 21 July 1879
A private Act

Preston Park Act
An Act to authorise the carrying into effect of an arrangement for the Sale to and Purchase by the Mayor Aldermen and Burgesses of Brighton for the purpose of a Public Park of certain Lands part of the Estates in the County of Sussex devised by the Will of William Stanford Esquire and for other purposes.
46&47 Vict c.6
Royal assent 31 May 1883
Relates to Preston Park and recites the terms of the will of William Stanford made in 1852..
Repealed by Brighton Corporation Act 1931 c.109.

Hove Order
Confirmed by
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No.5)
46&47 Vict c.136
Repealed by the East Sussex Act 1981 c25.

Brighton Marine Kursaal Act
An Act to incorporate a Company for making a Pier Head and other works in connexion therewith at the seaward end of the Chain Pier Brighton in the county of Sussex; to enable the Company to hold shares in the Chain Pier Company; to acquire the undertaking of the Chain Pier Company; and for other purposes.
46&47 Vict c.201
[Summary] Incoproration of Company; Construction of Pier Head with Saloons and other Accommodation thereon at end of Chain Pier at Brighton; Power to Acquire and Improve the Chain Pier; Tolls and Charges; Power to Sell or Lease Undertaking; Agreements with Corporation of Brighton, &c; Amendment of Acts. [London Gazette, 29 November 1881, 6424]
A plan to create a building at the end of the Brighthelmston Suspension Pier (Chain Pier) extending 200 feet further into the sea and 300 ft wide 'with all necessary works and conveniences thereon for the landing, embarking and accommodation of passengers, and the erection of saloons, baths, reading, dining, refreshment and other rooms, and erections thereon'. Promoters of the scheme were the Brighton Corporation, Brighton Aquarium Company and the London Brighton and South Coast Railway Company.

Hallett's Estate Act
An Act to confirm certain Leases Conveyances and Assignement under the Will of William Hallett Esquire deceassed and to give the Trustees powers of leasing and sale and for other purposes.
42&43 Vict c3
Royal assent 14 July 1884
A private Act, available online, giving details of the estate of William Hallett, a Brighton solicitor. This followed a landmark case before the Master of the Rolls, Sir George Jessel, in the Court of Appeal in 1880 concerning asset tracing.

Hove Pier Order
Confirmed by
Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation Act
An Act to confirm certain Provisional Orders made by the Board of Trade under the General Pier and Harbour Act, 1861, relating to Aldborough, Baltimore and Skibbereen, Carlingford Lough, Chatham, Cromer, Cullen, Dawlish, Eyemouth, Fraserburgh, Hove, and Newlyn.
47&48 Vict c.216

Brighton Improvement Act
An Act to increase the number of Aldermen and Councillors of the Borough of Brighton; to authorise the Corporation of the said Borough to make and maintain certain Works and Improvements to provide a New Market to regulate the Race-course and certain Squares and Enclosed Places and Burial Grounds to purchase Lands and to make further provision for the good Government of the Borough and to borrow further moneys; and for other purposes.
47&48 Vict c.262
The freeholds of several open garden enclosures were taken over by the corporation through compulsory purchase, including Regency Square and the extension to St Nicholas churchyard.
Repealed by the Brighton Corporation Act 1931 c.109

Brighton Corporation Loans Act
An Act to authorise the Mayor Aldermen and Burgesses of the borough of Brighton to consolidate their Loans and create Corporation Stock and for other purposes.
49&50 Vict c.64
Royal Assent 25 June 1886
Repealed by Brighton Corporation Act 1931 c.109.

[Brighton Improvement]
49&50 Vict c.262
[Summary] Construction of and Provisions as to Embankments, Swimming Baths, and Improvements; Compulsory Purchase of and Provisions as to Lands, Transfer to Corporation of North Enclosures; Provisions as to same, and Race Course, Parks and Recreation Grounds, and Public Places; and as to Infectious Diseases, and Sanitary and Police Matters, and Drainage and Buildings, and Roads; Bye-Laws [concerning slaughter-houses, food safety, noises and advertisements in streets, common lodging-house registration]; Application of Funds; Levying Rates and Charges; Borrowing of Money; Corporation Stock; Power to lend Money to other Authorities; Amendment of Act, &c, &c. [London Gazette, 22 Nov 1895, 6548ff]

Local Government Act
51&52 Vict c.41
Created the County Borough of Brighton in the administrative county of East Sussex.

Brighton Marine Palace and Pier Act
An Act to incorporate and to confer powers upon the Brighton Marine Palace and Pier Company and for other purposes.
51&52 Vict c.172
Royal Assent 7 August 1888
Permitted the company to be capitalised by 15,000 shares at £10 and to construct a pier 666 yards long, to be completed within five years. The company was also required to remove the Chain Pier at its own expense.

Brighton West Pier Act
An Act to incorporate a Company to purchase and acquire the Undertaking of the Brighton West Pier Company to authorise the widening and extension of the Brighton West Pier and for other purposes.
53&54 Vict c.62
Royal Assent 4 July 1890
Incorporated the West Pier Company to replace the Brighton West Pier Company established by the 1866 Act.

Brighton (Artizans) Order
Confirmed by
Local Government Board's Provisional Order Confirmation (Artizans and Labourers Dwellings) (No. 2) Act
An Act to confirm a Provisional Order of the Local Government Board under the provisions of the Artizans and Labourers Dwellings Improvement Acts, 1875 to 1885, relating to the Borough of Brighton.
53&54 Vict c.175

Hove Electric Lighting Order
Confirmed by
Electric Lighting Orders Confirmation Act
53&54 Vict c.186
Repealed by Hove Corporation Act 1913 c.53.

Brighton Order
Confirmed by
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No. 8) Act
An Act to confirm certain Provisional Orders of the Local Government Board relating to the Urban Sanitary Districts of Brighton, Cheltenham, Linthwaite, Southport, and Waltham-Holy-Cross.
54&55 Vict c.70

Brighton Order
Provisional Order for confirming an Improvement Scheme under Part 1. of the Housing of the Working Classes Act, 1890.
Confirmed by
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (Housing of Working Classes) Act
An Act to confirm certain Provisional Orders of the Local Government Board under the Housing of the Working Classes Act, 1890, relating to the Urban Sanitary Districts of Brighton and Salford.
54&55 Vict c.213
Royal assent 3 July 1891

Brighton Marine Palace and Pier Act
An Act to extend the period limited for the construction and completion of the Brighton Marine Palace and Pier and for other purposes.
56&57 Vict c.155
Royal Assent 27 July 1893

Brighton Order
Confirmed by
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No 11)
57&58 Vict c.123

Brighton and Preston (Sussex) Order
Confirmed by
Education Department Provisional Orders Confirmation (Acton, &c)
59&60 Vict c.164
Concerned education.

Brighton Marine Palace and Pier Act
An Act to extend some of the powers of the Brighton Marine Palace and Pier Company to make further provision with respect to the completion of the pier and works and for other purposes.
59&60 Vict c.202
Royal Assent 7 August 1896
Extended the deadline for completion of the Palace Pier by three years to 7 January 1900.

Brighton Corporation Act
An Act to confer further powers upon the Mayor Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Brighton and for other purposes.
59&60 Vict c.221
Royal Assent 7 August 1896
Concerning the North Enclosures as pleasure grounds and the Racecourse.
Repealed by Brighton Corporation Act 1931 c.109.

Brighton (Housing of Working Classes) Order
Confirmed by
Local Government Board's Provisional Order Confirmation (Housing of Working Classes) Act
62&63 Vict c.115

Portslade and Southwick Outfall Sewerage Order
Confirmed by
Local Government Board's Provisional Order Confirmation (No 9) Act
62&63 Vict c.147


Brighton Corporation Act
See Transport laws.

Brighton and Preston (Sussex) School Board Order
Confirmed by
Education Board Provisional Orders Confirmation (Brighton and Preston United District, &c) Act
63&64 Vict c.59

Hove Order
63&64 Vict c.175
Confirmed by
Local Government Board's Provisional Order Confirmation (No 5) Act
63&64 Vict c.175
Repealed by East Sussex Act 1981 c.25.

Brighton Corporation Act
An Act to empower the Mayor Aldermen and Burgesses of the county borough of Brighton to purchase the Brighton Aquarium and for other purposes.
1 Edw VII c.224
Royal Assent 9 August 1901
[Summary] Transfer to Corporation of Brighton Aquarium [the Brighton Aquarium Company Limited was in liquidation ]; Extension of and Further Powers as to Aquarium; Street Improvements [widening of York Place and London Road, Surrey Street and Marine Parade, narrowing of Madeira-road]; Compulsory Purchase of and Powers as to Parks [on Withdean Estate land in the parish of Patcham agreed to be acquired by Brighton Corporation], Sanitation [including underground public conveniences], Drainage, Infectious Disease, Milk Supply, Ice-cream Vendors, and Processions; Provisions as to Consolidation, Assessment, &c. of Rates; Transfer of Powers, &c, of Vestries and Burial Board; Appointment of Assistant Overseers and Rate Collectors by Corporation; Bye-laws; Power to Advertise; top Establish Insurance Funds; as to Bands, Electric Apparatus, and Tramways; Borrowing of Money; Rates; Corporation Stock; Amendment of Acts; &c. [London Gazette, 20 November 1900, 7181ff]
The estimates for the cost of acquiring the Aquarium was £30,000, the cost of street improvements £40,000.

Repealed (saving) by Brighton Corporation Act 1931 c.109.

Brighton Corporation Act
An Act to empower the mayor aldermen and burgesses of the county borough of Brighton to construct and work tramways and for other purposes.
3 Edw VII c.225
Royal Assent 11 August 1903
[Summary] Construction of Tramways in Brighton, Hove and Preston Rural; Use of Mechanical Power on such Tramways and Powers in Relation to other Tramways; Tolls, Rates, &c; Agreements with Corporation of Hove and other Authorities and Companies as to Construction, Leasing, and Working, &c, of the Tramways; Construction of Street Improvements in Borough and Subway at Southwick; Compulsory Purchase of and Powers as to Lands, Easements, &c; Powers as to Omnibuses; Extension of Electric Supply Limits to Places Outside Borough; Rates, &c; Breaking Up of Streets, &c; Provisions as to Supply of Electricity; Transfer to Brighton Corporation of Powers of Overseers in Brighton and Preston; Constituting Corporation Burial Board for Preston Parish; Application of Funds and Borrowing of Money, and Provisions as to Sinking Funds; Provisions as to Infectious Diseases and Projections in Streets; Agreements with and Powers to Local Authorities and other Bodies as to Electric Supply; Powers to West Sussex County Council and other Local Authorities and the Corporation and the Duke of Norfolk with respect to Norfolk Bridge; Borrowing of Money, Levying of Rates, and Application of Funds by such County Council and other Local Authorities and Bodies; Amendment and Repeal of Acts, &c. [London Gazette, 21 November 1902, 7680ff]
Repealed (saving) by Brighton Corporation Act 1931 c.109.

Brighton Pavilion Order
Confirmed by
Local Government Board's Provisional Order Confirmation (No 1) Act
4 Edw VII c.62
Repealed by Brighton Corporation Act 1931 c.109.

Hove Orders (nos 1 amd 2)
Confirmed by
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No 1) Act
6 Edw VII c.100
Repealed by East Sussex Act 1981 c.25.

East Sussex County Council Act
An Act to empower the County Council of the administrative county of East Sussex to construct sea defences for protecting the road between Brighton and Rottingdean and for other purposes.
9 Edw VII c.38
Royal assent 16 August 1909
Required Brighton Corporation, Newhaven Rural District Council and the Brighton Intercepting and Outfall Sewers Boad to contribute to the costs and for Rottingdean Parish Council to contribute to the maintenance costs by levying an addition to the rates.
Repealed by Brighton Corporation Act 1931 c.109.

Brighton Order
Confirmed by
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No 8) Act
10 Edw VII & 1 Geo V c.85
Repealed by Brighton Corporation Act 1931 c.109.

Brighton Order
Confirmed by
Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No 1) Act 1911
1&2 Geo V c.140
Repealed by Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (No 6) Act 1920 c.113.

Brighton Marine and Palace Pier Provisional Order
Confirmed by
Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No 2) Act
1&2 Geo V c.163

Brighton Corporation Act
An Act to empower the mayor aldermen and burgesses of the county borough of Brighton to provide and use trolley vehicles and for other purposes.
2&3 Geo V c.57
Royal Assent 7 August 1912
[Summary] Power to Corporation to Use Trolley Vehicles Within and Outside the Borough, and to Construct the Necessary Equipment therefor; Power to Board of Trade to Authorize Additional Routes of Trolley Vehicles; Shelters and Waiting Rooms in Streets, &c.; Power to Supply Electrical Energy for Trolley System; Powers to Hove Corporation as to Construction and Working of Trolley System in Hove; Working, &c, Agreements with Hove Corporation and other Local Authorities; Running Powers to Corporation over other Trolley Vehicle Systems; Power to Run Motor Omnibuses and Agreements with Hove Corporation for Joint Working; Extension of Area of Supply for Electrical Energy; Power to Lay Down Telephonic and Signalling Communication; Appropriation of Portion of Northern Enclosure of Victoria Gardens for Street Works; Bye-laws; Power to Advertise Attractions of Borough [on the rates]; Breaking, Stopping Up Streets, &c; Tolls, Fares, &c; Bye-laws relating to Baths and Washhouses; Establishment of Accident Fund; Temporary Loans; Application of Funds, and Borrowing Powers to Brighton and Hove Corporations and other Local Authorities; Repeal and Amendment of Acts, &c. [London Gazette, 24 November 1911, 8772ff]
Describes trolley routes.

Repealed by Brighton Corporation Act 1931 c.109.

Hove Corporation Act
An Act to enable the mayor aldermen and burgesses of the borough of Hove to provide and run vehicles by means of railless traction and for other pruposes.
See Transport laws.

Hove Pier Order
Confirmed bybr /> Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No 4) Act
2&3 Geo V c.157

Brighton Corporation Act
3&4 Geo V c.46
An Act to authorise the transfer to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the county borough of Brighton of the powers vested in the Brighton, Hove, and Preston United Omnibus Company, Limited, under the Brighton, Hove, and District Railless Traction Act, 1911, and to sanction and confirm the purchase by the Corporation of lands adjoining the borough in the parishes of Ovingdean and Rottingdean; and for other purposes.
Royal Assent 15 August 1913
[Summary] Transfer to Corporation of Undertaking authorized by the Brighton, Hove and District Railless Traction Act, 1911; Power to Work Transferred Undertaking; Extension of Time; Power to Construct New Trolley Vehicle Routes; Abandonment of Certain Routes; Power to Lay Down Trolley Vehicle Equipment; Incorporation of Provisions of Brighton Corporation Act 1912; Supply of Electric Energy to Trolley Vehicles; Power to Run Motor Omnibuses; Power to Construct Elementary School Outside Borough [north of Loder Road]; Power to Appropriate Portion of Old Steine Gardens for Street Works; Power to Purchase Lands in Ovingdean, Rottingdean, and Falmer ['East Brighton Estate', 1,067 acres]; Power to Lay Out and Improve and Sell and Lease Lands and Appropriation of Same for Various Purchases; Power to Utilize Trust Funds Under the Will of William Edmund Davies and Proceeds of Race Grounds and Queen's Park in connection with Lands Purchased; Breaking and Stopping Up of Streets in County Borough of Brighton and Parishes of Ovingdean and Rottingdean; Tolls, Fares, etc; Bye-laws; Application of Funds and Borrowing Powers; Repeal and Amendment of Acts. [London Gazette, 22 November 1912, 8769ff]
Repealed by Brighton Corporation Act 1931 c.109.

Hove Corporation Act
3&4 Geo V c.53
Royal Assent 15 August 1913
[Summary] As to purchase of undertaking of Hove Electric Lighting Company and Vesting Thereof in the Corporation; Corporation to carry on Undertaking and to Generate and Supply Electricity; Extension of Limits of Supply of Electricity and Application of Hove Electric Lighting Order, 1890, and Hove (Aldrington) Electric Lighting Order, 1898; Consolidation, &c, of Areas under said Orders, and further powers in reference thereto; Generating Stations; Supply of Electrical Fittings; Attachment of Brackets to Buildings; as to Defective Meters; Power to Execute Street Works, &c, and to take Lands; Extension of Jurisdiction of Magistrates, &c, to Hove Park and Hove Recreation Ground; Further Powers with Regard to Streets, Buildings and Sewers; Provisions as to Infectious Disease and Sanitary Provisions [including ice-cream premises]; Construction of Bandstands and Seats South of Brunswick-terrace; Advertising Attractions of Borough [on the rates]; Prevention of Street Cries; Power to Make Bye-laws, &c; Temporary Loan; Additional Borrowing Powers; General Provisions; Repeal, Amendment, and Incorporation of Acts. [London Gazette, 22 November 1912, 8760ff]
The amount of revenue allowed from the letting of chairs was equivalent to the produce of a rate of ½d in the £ (0.2 per cent).

Brighton Marine Palace and Pier Order
Confirmed by
Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No 2) Act
4&5 Geo V c.181

Brighton Order
Confirmed bybr /> Local Government Board's Provisional Orders Confirmation (No 1) Act
6&7 Geo V c.35
Repealed by Brighton Corporation Act 1931 c.109.

Brighton Order
Confirmed bybr /> Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No 6) Act
10&11 Geo V c.113
Repealed by Brighton Corporation Act 1931 c.109. [London Gazette, 20 January 1920, 841ff]

Brighton Marine and Palace Pier Provisional Order
Confirmed by
Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No 2) Act
11&12 Geo V c.67
[ESRO C/C/114/1/1]

Brighton Extension Order
Confirmed by
Ministry of Housing Provisional Order Confirmation (Brighton Extension) Act
An Act to confirm a Provisional Order of the Minister of Health relating to Brighton.
13&14 Geo V c.46
Royal Assent 18 July 1923
Incorporated into Brighton County Borough 94 acres of Patcham developed by Brighton as the Moulsecoomb housing estate, which was also added to the parish of Preston.

Hove Pier Order
Confirmed by
Pier and Harbour Orders Confirmation (No 2) Act
15&16 Geo V c.74
Royal assent 31 July 1925

Brighton Order
Confirmed by
Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No 6) Act
15&16 Geo V c.82
Royal assent 7 August 1925

Brighton (London Road) Congregational Chapel Charities Scheme Confirmation Act
An Act to confirm a Scheme of the Charity Commissioners for the application or management of the Charities consisting of the London Road Congregational Chapel and the net proceeds of the sale of the Trust Property in Hanover Place both in the Borough of Brighton in the County of Sussex.
15&16 Geo V c.26
Royal Assent 30 June 1926

Brighton Order
Confirmed by
Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No 4) Act
15&16 Geo V c.78
Repealed by Brighton Corporation Act 1931 c.109.

Hove (Extension) Order
Confirmed by
Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Hove Extension) Act
17&18 Geo V c.49
Mostly repealed by East Sussex Act 1981 c.25.

Brighton Corporation Act
An Act to Extend the boundaries of the borough of Brighton to alter and adjust the boundary between the boroughs of Brighton and Hove to constitute a single parish for the area of the extended borough of Brighton and for other purposes.
17&18 Geo V c.81
Royal Assent 29 July 1927
The largest extension of the County Borough of Brighton, with effect from 1 April 1928, included the whole of Rottingdean and Ovingdean, much of Falmer parish (that part of the Moulsecoomb estate not added in 1923, plus Bevendean and the Falmer School site), the area to the east of Dyke Road Avenue and Devil's Dyke Road in Patcham and West Blatchington. Around Seven Dials, the boundary between Brighton and Hove was straightened by transferring land on either side of Dyke Road. [London Gazette, 26 November 1926, 7710ff; Sussex Daily News, 20 November 1926; Brighton and Hove Herald, 27 November 1926]

Goldsmid Estate Act
18&19 Geo V c.1
Royal Assent 3 August 1928
A Private Act empowering Sir Osmond d'Avigdor-Goldsmid to resettle trust funds and a life policy, notwithstanding his life interest in the estate. [Evan James MacGillivray QC: Legal Notes, n.d but assumed to be 1929]

Brighton Order
Confirmed by
Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No 1) Act
18&19 Geo V c.10
Repealed by Brighton Corporation Act 1931 c.109.

Brighton and Hove (Outfall Sewers) Order
Confirmed by
Ministry of Health Provisional Orders Confirmation (No 1) Act
19&20 Geo V c.10
Consent to borrow more money for waterworks.
Repealed by SI 1958/720.

Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Brighton) Act
An Act to confirm a Provisional Order of the Minister of Health relating to Brighton.
20&21 Geo V c.146
Royal Assent 1 August 1930
Repealed by Brighton Corporation Act 1931 c.109.
Improvements to Racecourse. [London Gazette, 28 February 1930, 1315]

Brighton Corporation Act
An Act to consolidate with amendments the local Acts and Orders in force within the borough of Brighton and relating to several undertakings of the Brighton Corporation to confer further powers on the Corporation in relation to those undertakingsand other matters to make better provision for the leath local government improvements and finance of the borough and for other purposes.
21&22 Geo V c.109
Royal Assent 30 September 1931
[Summary] Consolidation of local and Private Acts and Orders; water supply; omnibuses; extension of and provisions for electricity supply; new streets and widening, including main road to Newhaven; additional sea defences; Aquarium, Pavilion, libraries, museums, art galleries; disused burial grounds [Dyke Road, Queen's Road]; markets, street markets, slaughter houses [including prohibition of slaughtering in private slaughter houses], cold storage accommodation; Town Hall and other public buildings, racecourse, Preston Park, enclosed spaces and privileged houses; compulsory purchase of land for waterworks in Brighton, Falmer, Telscombe and Newhaven; street and estate layouts, building, signs, decorations, illumination; traffic, omnibus stands; prevention of noise, silencers for internal combustion engines, petrol licensing; employment agency licensing and regulation; miscellaneous financial provisions. [London Gazette, 26 November 1929, 7680ff and 9 December 1929, 7922ff; Sussex Daily News, 18 November 1929; Brighton and Hove Herald, 23 November 1929]
This Act repealed a considerable amount of previous legislation (see references above and under Utilities and Transport) that was consolidated here.

Hove Pier Act
An Act to empower the Hove Pier Theatre and Kursaal Company Limited to construct a pier at Hove in the county of Sussex and for other purposes.
22&23 Geo V c.71
Royal Assent 12 July 1932
The company had been incorporated on 9 December 1913.

Brighton Marine Palace and Pier Act
An Act to empower the Brighton Marine Palace and Pier Company to redeeem its preference shares and for other purposes.
26 Geo V & 1 Edw VIII c.17
Royal Assent 9 April 1936
Repealed by Brighton Marine Palace and Pier Act 1987 c.6 and Brighton Marine Palace and Pier (Finance) Act 1987 c.16.

Brighton Corporation Act
An Act to confer powers upon the mayor aldermen and burgesses of the borough of Brighton with respect to the prevention of contamination of their water supply to confer further powwrs upon them in relation to their water undertaking and other matters to make better provision for the health local government and finance of the borough and for other purposes.
26 Geo V & 1 Edw VIII c.67
Royal Assent 14 July 1936
[Bill is online at ESRO C/C/114/1/45] Mostly repealed by Brighton Corporation Act 1948 c.38.

Brighton Marine Palace and Pier Act
An Act to amend in certain respects the Brighton Marine Palace and Pier Act 1888 and 1893 and for other purposes.
3&4 Geo VI c.14
Royal Assent 22 May 1940

Hove Corporation Act
10&11 Geo VI c.30
Royal Assent 31 July 1947
Repealed by East Sussex Act 1981 c.25.

Brighton Corporation Act
An Act to confer further powers upon the mayor aldermen and burgesses of the borough of Brighton with respect to acquisition and use of lands to provide that certain private enclosures in the borough and other lands shall become public pleasure grounds to make further provision with respect to the water undertaking of the said mayor aldermen and burgesses and with respect to the health local government improvement and finance of the borough and for other purposes.
11&12 Geo VI c.38
Royal Assent 30 July 1948
Concerns the five enclosures and other matters in the Brighton Corporation Act 1931.
Mostly repealed by Brighton Corporation Act 1960 c.35.

Brighton Extension Act
An Act to entend the boundaries of the county borough of Brighton and for purposes incidental thereto.
14&15 Geo VI c.29
Royal Assent 1 August 1951
A large area to the north east of the town were transferred from the parishes of Falmer and Stanmer into the County Borough with effect from 1 April 1952, including Stanmer Park and village, Coldean and Old Boat Corner.
Mostly repealed by East Sussex Act 1981 c.25.

Pier and Harbour Order (Brighton) Confirmation Act
15&16 Geo VI & 1 Eliz II c.24
Confirmed the Brighton Marine Palace and Pier Order 1952

Pier and Harbour Order (Brighton) Confirmation Act
2&3 Eliz II c.31
Repealed by Brighton Marine Pal;ace and Pier Act 1987 c.6and Brighton Marine Palace and Pier (Finance) Act 1987 c.16.

Brighton Corporation Act
2&3 Eliz II c.53
Royal Assent 30 July 1954
Mostly repealed by East Sussex Act 1981 c.25.

Brighton Corporation Act
An Act to confer further powers on the layor aldermen and burgesses of the county borough of Brighton to make further provision with respect to the health local government improvement and finances of the borough and for other purposes.
8&9 Eliz II c.25
Royal Assent 29 July 1960
Repealed by East Sussex Act 1981 c.25.

University of Sussex Act
An Act to dissolve the University College of Sussex and to transfer all the rights, property and liabilities of that college to the University of Sussex; and for other purposes.
10&11 Eliz II c.25
Royal assent 14 May 1962

Brighton Skydeck Act
An Act to authorise Skydeck Brighton Limited to construct works and toa cquire lands; and for other purposes.
1965 c.34
A proposal to build a an observation towerr, incorproating substantial restaurant and other accommodation and facilities on the foreshore.
Royal Assent 5 August 1965

Brighton Corporation Act
An Act to confer further powers on the mayor, aldermen and burgesses of the county borough of Brighton to make further provision with respect to the local governmenet, improvement and finances of the borough; and for other purposes.
1966 c.37
Royal Assent 13 December 1966
Repealed by East Sussex Act 1981 c.25.

Hove Corporation Act
An Act to provide for the removal of restrictions attaching to the churchyard of Saint Andrew in the borough of Hove and the development and disposition thereof, to make further provision with reference to the local government and improvement of the borough; and for other purposes.
1966 c.38
Royal Assent 13 December 1966
Burials were wholly discontinued in St Andrew's Churchyard under this Act. There was provision for part of the land to be conveyed to the city council, which built a school on it. [London Gazette, 7 December 1965, 11460; 10 May 1966, 5568; Brighton and Hove Herald and Evening Argus, 6 May 1966, 13 May 1966]
In 1972, in order to build on the land, further provisions were made in a Bill of that year, 1972.

Repealed by East Sussex Act 1981 c.25.

Brighton Marina Act
An Act to authorise the Brighton Marina Company Limited to construct works; and for other purposes.
1968 c.2
Royal Assent 10 April 1968
The land reclaimed by the Marina was added to the borough on 31 March 1972.

Brighton Corporation Act
An Act to authorise the mayor, aldermen and burgesses of the county borough of Brighton to construct street works and other works and toa cquire lands for those purposes; and for other purposes.
1970 c.40
Royal Assent 23 July 1970
This concerned the increasing volume of traffic and access to the marina. The estimated ost of the works is £1,163,000.
Mostly repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 1993 c.50.

St Andrew's, Hove, Churchyard Act
An Act to amend certain provisions of the Hove Corporation Act 1966 relating to the churchyard of the church of Saint Andrew in the borough of Hove; to make further provision with respect to the remains of deceased persons interred in parts of the churchyard; and for other purposes.
1972 c.9
Royal assent 11 May 1972
Repealed by East Sussex Act 1981 c.25.

Local Government Act
1972 c.70
Defined two-tier local government areas, Brighton remaining a county borough within the non-metropolitan county of East Sussex.

Queen's Road Brighton, Burial Ground Act
An Act to provide for the removal of restrictions attaching to the Queen's Road Burial Ground in the borough of Brighton; to authorise the use thereof for other purposes; and for purposes incidental thereto.
1976 c.3
Allowed the clearance of graves in the churchyard on the corner of Queen's Road and Church Street

Hove Borough Council Act
An Act to make further provision for preserving the uniformity in the exterior of buildings in Brunswick Square, Brunswick Terrace and part of Brunswick Place in the borough of Hove; and for purposes incidental thereto.
1976 c.15
Royal Assent 22 July 1976

Pier and Harbour Order (Brighton West Pier) Confirmation Act
1980 c.19
Confirmed Brighton West Pier Order 1980.

East Sussex Act
An Act to re-enact with amendments and to extend certain statutory provisions in force within the county of East Sussex; to confer further powers on the East Sussex Councty Council and local authorities in the county; to make further provision with respect to the local government, improvement and health of the county and those local authorities; to vest lands in the Hasting Borough Council; to amend the Ashdown Forest Act 1974; and for other pruposes.
1981 c.25
Royal assent 27 July 1981

Brighton Marine Palace and Pier Act
An Act to authorise the Brighton Marine Palace and Pier Company to construct works and to confer further powers on the Company; and for other purposes.
1987 c.6
Royal Assent 2 March 1987

Brighton Marine Palace and Pier (Finance, &c) Act
An Act to authorise the Brighton Marine Palace and Pier Company to raise additional capital and to confer other powers on the Company in relation to their undertaking; and for other purposes.
1987 c.16
Royal Assent 15 May 1987

Brighton and Preston Cemetery Act
An Act to confer powers upon Downs Crematorium Limited with respect to the Brighton and Preston Cemetery; and for other purposes.
1988 c.17
Royal Assent 28 June 1988

Brighton Marine Palace and Pier Act
An Act to authorise the Brighton Marine Palace and Pier Company to construct works; and for other purposes.
1991 c.15
Royal Assent 25 July 1991
Allowed the enlargement of the pier head.

Statute Law (Repeals) Act
2013 c.2
Royal Assent 31 January 2013
Repealed much 'spent' legislation including London, Lewes, and Brighton Railways Abandonment Act 1868, Brighton Rottingdean and Newhaven Direct Railway (Abandonment) Act 1894,. London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act 1891.

SI 1958/720
Repealed Brighton and Hove (Outfall Sewers) Order 1929

SI 1974/869 The Local Authorities (Armorial Bearings) Order
Permits the Borough Council of Brighton to use the armorial bearings of the former Corporation of the Borough of Brighton.

SI 1979/1022 The Safety of Sports Grounds (Designation) Order
Required Brighton & Hove Albion's Goldstone Football Ground to have a safety certificate under the Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975.

SI 1992/2536 The Brighton Health Care National Health Service Trust (Establishment) Order

SI 1994/23 The Brighton Health Care National Health Service Trust (Transfer of Trust Property) Order

SI 1994/1167 The Local Government Act 1988 (Defined Activities) (Exemption) (Brighton Borough Council and East Yorkshire Borough Council) Order

SI 1995/1770 The East Sussex (Boroughs of Brighton and Hove) (Structural Change) Order
Prior to creation of the Brighton and Hove Unitary Authority.

SI 1997/461 The East Sussex County Council (Boroughs of Brighton and Hove) (Staff Transfer) Order
Consequence of the creation of the Brighton and Hove Unitary Authority.

SI 1998/3054 The East Brighton Education Action Zone Order

SI 2001/3841 The East Brighton Education Action Zone (Extension and Variation) Order

SI 2001/4055 The City of Brighton and Hove (Electoral Changes) Order

SI 2002/991 The Brighton and Hove City Primary Care Trust (Establishment) Order

SI 2002/1363 The Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals National Health Service Trust (Establishment) and the Mid Sussex National Health Service Trust (Dissolution) Order

SI 2003/866 The Brighton Health Care National Health Service Trust (Change of Name) Order

SI 2004/2894 The Brighton Health Care National Health Service Trust (Establishment) Amendment Order

SI 2007/1423 The Brighton West Pier Harbour Revision Order
Allows the Brighton West Pier Trust to grant leases for use of the pier and to levy charges for use of the pier (except in the case of passengers entering from a vessel).


Brighton Order
Confirmed by the Ministry of Health Provisional Order Confirmation (Brighton) Act 1930 c.146.

Hove Pier Provisional Order
[ESRO C/C/114/1/36]

Brighton Corporation Act, 1931, Modification Order

Brighton Marine and Palace Pier Order
Confirmed by Pier and Harbour Order (Brighton) Confirmation Act 1952 c.24. [ESRO C/C/114/1/61]

Brighton West Pier Provisional Order
Confirmed by Pier and Harbour Order (Brighton) Confirmation Act 1954 c.31.
[ESRO C/C/114/1/63]

Brighton West Pier Order
Confirmed by Pier and Harbour Order (Brighton West Pier) Confirmation Act 1980 c.19.

Other categories of laws:
Utilities: water, gas, electricity
Transport: railways, trams, trolleys, roads

Page updated 4 August 2023