Architects, etc


Brighton and Hove architects, designers and builders

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This list comprises architects, builders, designers, sculptors, decorators, manufacturers and companies that have contributed to the building(s) of Brighton and Hove. It is by no means comprehensive but is certainly representative, albeit with an emphasis on heritage work.

Not included are the 'near misses': architects considered for projects in the city but whose work was never executed. Among them are Le Corbusier, Frank Gehry, Erich Mendelsohn, Cecil Massey and Alistair G Macdonald. The glories of the 19th century were rarely repeated in the 20th.
Names beginning with
A  B  C  D  E   F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
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Adams, Maurice Bingham
Ade, Edward Hilder
Adnam & Skipper
Albery & Lawrence
Alldridge, Joseph William
Allen, J Gordon
Allwork, Charles
Andrews, William Frederick
Andrews & Duke
Anscombe, Allen
Anscombe, Edward
Anscombe, John
Anscombe, Parker
Anthony, Albert Evershed
Anthony & Dixon
Armstrong, John
Arundale, F
Ashdown, George Washington
Ashwell, Francis George
Atkinson, Robert
Attree, Albert Edward
Attree, Edward
Austin, John
Avery-Fowler, James Aylwin
Axtell, Charles Frederick
Ayrton, Ormrod Maxwell

Baines, George
Ball, J L
Banister, Frederick Dale
Barnard, William
Barnes, J, & Son
Barry, Sir Charles
Barry, Charles, Jr
Barry, Edward Middleton
Basevi, George
Batts, John
Beard, J Stanley
Beaumont, W G & Company
Beedham, William
Bell, Alfred
Bell, Michael Charles Farrer
Bell, S
Bendelow, Ernest
Benham, Charles
Bennett, Benjamin
Bennetts Associates
Beverley, Samuel
Bewsey,John Charles Norman
Billington, Percy
Birch, Eugenius
Bishop, Pamela Maude E
Blaber, Charles Oliver
Black, Ernest
Black, Kenneth Eastty
Blackburne, Edward Lushington
Blacking, William Henry Randoll
Blandford, Charles
Blandford, J & F
Blomfield, Arthur Conran
Blomfield, Sir Arthur William
Blomfield, Charles James
Blomfield, Sir A W, & Sons
Bloom, Maurice
Blount, Gilbert Rodney
Bodley, George Frederick
Bone, Charles Belfield
Botham, Benjamin William Clayton
Boxall, T
Boxall, William Percival
Braybon, T J
Braybon, T J & Son
Brindley, William
Brock, Sir Thomas
Broder, William Kedo
Bromige, Frank Ernest
Brooke, W
Brooker, Henry
Brooks, Thomas Alfred
Brown, Ford Madox
Buckman, Charles Henry
Buckwell, Thomas Herbert
Buckwell & Bullock
Budd, Kenneth George
Budgen, Thomas
Bullock, —
Burdwood, Stanley Harry
Burges, William
Burgis, Norman Leslie Sewell
Burke, William Henry
Burlison, John
Burlison & Grylls
Burne-Jones, Sir Edward
Burnett, W
Burstow, George
Burstow, George & Sons
Burstow, George Herbert
Burstow, William John
Burton, Decimus
Busby, Charles Augustin
Butler, Joseph
Butterfield, William

Cachemaille-Day, Nugent Francis Cachemaille
Cane, Thomas
Carden, Alfred
Carew, John Edward
Caroe & Partners
Carpenter, Richard Cromwell
Carpenter, Richard Herbert
Cathcart, S B
Cawthorn, Frank Thomas
CDMS Architects
Champneys, Walpole
Chantrey, Sir Francis Leggatt
Chapman, William
Chappell, John Thomas
Chappell, Lewis
Chapple, John Starling
Cheesman(-Childrens), George, Snr
Cheesman, George, Jr
Cheesman & Freeman>
Cheesman & Son
Christian & Cowell
Clarke, George Somers
Clarke, George Somers Leigh
Clayton, Charles Edward
Clayton, Charles L
Clayton, John Richard
Clayton & Bell
Clayton & Black
Clayton, Black & Associates
Clayton, Black & Daviel
Clifford, W B
Coade, Eleanor
Coates, Wells Wintermute
Colbron, Harry Stiles
Coleridge, John Duke
Coleridge, Paul Humphrey
Coleridge, Jennings & Soimenow
Coles, Frank Alleyn
Coles, George
Colcutt, Thomas Edward
Collins, William
Comper, Sir John Ninian
Connell, Ward & Lucas
Cooper, Thomas
Cooper & Lynn
Corbet, Matthew Ridley
Corney, H
Cornford, John
Cox, Oliver
Cox, Thomas
Cox & Barnard
Crawley, John A
Creane, Robert C E
Cresswell, Albert
Cresswell, Henry
Crewe, Bertie
Cribb, Herbert Joseph (Joe)
Cromie, Robert F
Crouch, Frederick Alfred
Crunden, John
Cubitt, Lewis
Cubitt, Thomas
Curtis, Thomas Figgis
Curtis, Ward & Hughes

Dale, James
Dellimore, John
Dancy, Stephen
Dancy, William
Davey, Norman T
Davie, W Galsworthy
Daviel, John Rene Francis
Denman, John Bluet
Denman, John Hubbard
Denman, John Leopold
Denman, Samuel
Denman & Hall
Denman & Matthew
Denman & Son
Dix, Joseph Arthur
Dixon, Bertram Harold
Doll, Otto S
Donne, Joseph
Dooubleday, William
Douglas Thompsom, Marguerite
Dovey & Howell
Drummond-Roberts, Maud Frances
Duke, Reginald John
Durrant, Clifford Glen

Earp, Thomas
Easton, Hugh Ray
Edis, Colonel Sir Robert William
Edwards, David
Edwards, Richard
Eldridge, Fr John
Ellice-Clark, E B
Ellison, C O
Elworthy, Thomas
Emerson, Sir William
Every, James

Fabian, John (1)
Fabian, John (2)
Farmer & Brindley
Farmer, William
Farr, Arthur Richard
Farrow, Frederick Richard
Faulkner, A
Faulkner, Charles Joseph
Felce, David
Felbusch, Hans
Ferguson, George
Ferrey, Benjamin
Field, W A & B
Field & Nash
Fielder, John
Fitchew, George Frederick
Fitzroy Robinson Miller Bourne & Partners
Fletcher, Banister
Ford, Hugh Hubbard
Forsyth, James
Frampton, Sir George James

Garrett, Burt Dale
Garrett, Sidney Colston
Garrett, Thomas, Snr
Garrett, Thomas, Jr
Garrett, William, Jr
Garrett, William, III
Garrett, William Burt, (Snr)
Garrett, W & J
German, Hector
Gibbins, John George
Gibbs, Charles Alexander
Gilbert, Anthony
Gilbert, J S
Gill, Eric
Gillam, William Charles Frederick
Gimblette, H J
Gimblette & Street
Ginnett, Louis John
Glasby, William
Godman & Kay
Goldie, Edward
Good, Joseph Henry
Goodhart-Rendel, Harry Stuart
Goodrich, Jerome F D
Gossage, Neil Frederick
Gotch, John Alfred
Gotch, Laurence Murcell
Gotch, L M, & Partners
Goulty, Horatio Nelson
Goulty & Gibbins
Gover, John Richard
Gowar, Gerald E
Grylls, Thomas John
Guthrie, Leonard Rome

Habershon, Matthew Edward
Habershon, William Gilbee
Habershon, W & E
Hallett, William
Hamilton, Edwin James
Hansom, Joseph Stanislaus
Hare, Cecil Greenwood
Hardman, John
Harford, Alfred
Hawker, J W
Hawker & Clover
Heaton, Clement
Hedgeland, George Caleb
Hemming, Alfred Octavius
Hemmings, S
Hems, Harry
Hennell, Sidney Thorn
Henriques, E C
Herrick, Frederick Charles
Hett, Leonard Keir
Hewitt, Charles Edward
Highet, Graeme
Hill, John
Hitch, Nathaniel
Hitchins, Henry & Frederick
Hitchins, John
Holford, George
Holford & Clayton
Holford, Clayton & Black
Holland, E J
Holland, Henry
Holland, J
Hollands, C Valentine
Holloway & Cox
Holman, Luther Martin
Howard, Frank Ernest
Howe, D J
Howse, Melanie (Mel)
Hubbard, Henry
Hudson, Edward William
Humphry, A G
Hunt, Simeon
Hyde, Frederick William
Hyde, Robert Singer

Ingelow, Benjamin
Ingram, Herbert Clavell
Iredel, John Charles L

Jackson, Charles W
Jackson, Frederick Hamilton (Frank)
Jackson, Sir Thomas Graham
James & Brown
James, William, & Co
Jarvis, H
Jay, George Mathias
Jennings, Frank
Johns & Buckwell
Johnson, I
Johnston, Philip Mainwaring
Jones, Francis Jude
Jones, Jude
Jones, Richard William Herbert
Joseph & Smithers

Kaye, James
Kelly, Claude
Kelsall, John Scott
Kempe, Charles Eamer
Kendall, Henry Edward
Kendall, Henry Edward Jr
Kennard, John Moir
Kennington, Eric Henri
Kinder, Claude
Kingston(e), Richard
Knight, Charles Ernest
Knowles, Sir James Thomas
Knox, James Erstine

Laing, David
Lainson, Arthur H
Lainson, Thomas
Lainson, Thomas James
Lainson, Thomas, & Son
Lainson, Son, & Lindsay
Lamb, Percy
Lambert, William
Lambert & Son, W
Lanchester, H J
Lansdown, J Chester
Latham, C
Laxton, W & H
Leach, William
Leaney, Thomas
LeMaitre, William Courteney
Lewis, J Jr
Lewry, Henry
Lipscombe, J
Loader, Arthur
Loader & Long
Lockwood, Philip Causton
Lockyer, G R
Long, Edgar Wallis
Long, Edward Wallis
Long & Kentish
Lutyens, Sir Edwin
Lynn, George
Lynn, George, & Son(s)

McGuinness, Valentine George
MacLean, Archibald John
Marchant, John
Mason, —
Massey, Percy George
Matcham, Frank
May, Francis C J
Maynard, Edward
Maynard, George
Measures, Harry Bell
Melhuish, Reginald
Mellor, M
Mew, Henry
Micklethwaite, John Thomas
Middleton, A L
Mileham, Harry Robert
Mills, James
Mitchell, William George
Mocatta, David
Morgan, John
Moore, C Rupert
Moore, R St George
Moore, Temple Lushington
Morris, William
Morris & Co
Murrell & Pigott

Nash, John
Nash, William Henry
Newman, George William
Nicoli, Carlo
Norton, John
NoyceWG, William George
Nunn, Bastick William
Nunn, Benjamin Hitchcock
Nunn & Hunt
Nye, A W
Nye, Charles
Nye, George Manley

Ockenden, Edmund Jury, Snr
Ockenden, Edmund Jury, Jr
Oliver, William
Olliver, George
Olliver, H
Olliver, John
Olliver, William
Over, Thomas
Overton, William H
Overton & Partners

Packham, Arthur Benjamin
Palmer, E William
Palmer, Frank
Parnacott, W S
Parr, A R
Parsey, William
Parsons, F
Parsons & Son
Parsons, J & Son
Patching, E B
Patching & Son
Pearson, Frank
Pearson, J L
Peach, Charles Stanley
Pell Bros
Perrin, W E
Pertwee, C E
Pett, Harold Milburn
Petts, John
Philips, Henry
Phipps, C J
Pinkerton, Godfrey
Pollard, Robert William
Porden, William
Poune, John
Powell, J H
Proctor, Edward
Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore
Puttick, William
Puttick & Puttick

Quennell, Charles Henry Bourne

Rastrick, John Urpeth
Reed, C G & Son
Reynolds, Jabez
Richards, T R
Ridge, Lacy William
Ridley & Co
Robinson, Peter Frederick
Roth, Stanley Henry James
Stanley Roth, Tetley & Felce
Russell, Samuel Bridgman
Russell, William

Sanders, H W
Saunders, Thomas
Scott, Edmund Evan
Scott, Sir George Gilbert
Scott, John Oldrid
Scott & Cawthorn
Scott & Hyde
Scutt, Thomas Henry
Seifert, Richard
Seifert, Richard, & Partners
Shea, J Bloomfield
Shrivell, Cornelius
Simpson, Gilbert Murray
Simpson, James Charnock
Simpson, Sir John William
Simpson, Thomas
Simpson, William Begg
Skelton, Helen Mary
Skelton, John Stephen
Slater, E T
Smale, Samuel C
Smith, E
Smith, George
Smith, James Trant
Smith & Co
Soimenow, Michael
Sorby, Thomas Charles
Spence, Sir Basil
Steer, Walter, Jr
Stenning, John
Stenning, W A & J
Stone, Edward A
Stone Toms & Partners
Streatfield, Granville Edward Stewart
Streeter, R
Stroud & Moore
Suter, Richard George
Sympson, William

Tanner, Leslie
Tansley, John Beamont
Tapper, Sir Walter John
Tasker, F N
Ternouth, John
Tetley, Patrick Ivor Delavel
Thompson, Arthur John
Thompson & Walker
Thomsett, A C
Tillstone, Harry
Tiltman, Stavers Hessell
Toms & Partners
Towner, James
Townsend, Caroline Charlotte
Towse, John Stanley
Travers, Martin
Trent, Newbury Abbot
Trent, William Edward
Trollope, George, & Sons
Tuppen, George
Tuppen & Tasker
Turner, Harold George
Tyrwhitt, Thomas

Udny, A C

Vallis, Julian
Vaughan, E

Wailes, William
Walker, Reginald Beckwith
Walters, F A
Ward & Walters
Warr, George W
Warren, Edward Prioleau
Warrington, William
Waterhouse, Alfred
Webb, H
Webb, Philip
Webster, Peter
Weir, James
Wells-Thorpe, John
Werry, William John
Westlake, Nathaniel Hubert John
Wheeler, Gervase
Whichcord, John, Jr
Whinney, Thomas Bostock
Wilds, Amon
Wilds, Amon Henry
Wilds & Busby
Wilds& Wilds
Willett, William, Snr
Willett, William, Jr
Williams, William Frederick
Williamson, Fr Benedict
Wills, John
Wilson, Harry
Wilson, Henry
Wimble, John
Wimperis, Edmund Walter
Wimperis, Simpson & Guthrie
Winterbourn, James
Wood, A C
Woodman, James
Woods, E Joseph
Woolman, James
Worsfield, Alfred Felix de Parmentier
Wright, Richard
Wyborn, Thomas
Wyon, William

Yerbury, Arthur Leslie


Page updated 26 November 2023