
Directory of cinemas in Brighton & Hove

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Norfolk Cinema

Norfolk Cinema (1933-1947)
Ritz Cinema (1947-1964)

125 High Street, Shoreham
operated 1933-1964

1933 March 27 Opened; proprietor is Frederick J Freeman (see also Coliseum). Designed by Arthur Singleton, a cinema architect based at Burgess Hill. RCA sound system; 700 seats, continuous performances.
1936 November 17 Licensed to Louis Halpern, along with the Coliseum, Shoreham. Matinées on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays; prices 6d-1s 6d.
1937 Owned by United British Cinemas (London) Ltd.
1942 Matinées daily except Sunday; prices 9d-1s 10d. Booked in London.
1947 November 2 Owned by Ritz (Shoreham) Ltd and renamed Ritz Cinema. Booked by M Overmass at the Savoy, Andover, Hampshire.
1948 Prices 1s-2s 3d.
1954 Prices 1s-2s 8d.
1957 Prices 1s-3s.
1963 October 4 Bingo introduced on Fridays and, for a time, also on Tuesdays.
1963 December Ritz (Shoreham) Ltd appoints a liquidator.
1964 January 25 Films are abandoned in favour of bingo on five days a week (Wednesday to Sunday).
1964 March 8 Films are re-introduced on five days a week, with bingo on Fridays. The cinema is closed on Tuesdays.
1964 May 9 Closed; the last film: The Pink Panther.
• Initially used for bingo, operated by Bunny Sisling of Hove, then it became a warehouse. It was demolished in 1970 to become part of the site of a car showroom.

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Page updated 7 March 2018
© David Fisher