Victoria Hall

Press advertisements for the Pandora Gallery in March 1896, showing the delay

The view towards the Victoria Hall from the West Pier includes a sign for the 'Animatographe' on the second building from the right

The advertisement for the 'Animatographe' shows
Pandora Gallery 1896
Victoria Hall 1896
Gem Cinema 1954-1955
132 King's Road, Brighton
operated 1896
1896 March 25 The first film show in the UK outside London is held at the Pandora Gallery.
1896 July 6 R W Paul's 'Celebrated Animatographe' begins a run of shows that lasts until November. Admission 6d, reserved seats 1s.
1954 September 29 Gem Cinema occupies the same site, now known as Esplanade Pavilion, opened by Jack Leslie, previously the proprietor of the Cosy Nook, to show re-runs of continental films (Sous le ciel de Paris, L'aigle a deux têtes) daily from 14:45. This gives way to one-hour programmes of silent comedies, changing three times a week, then weekly. Prices 1s and 1s 6d. During intervals a 10-minute solo violin recital is given. Café. Advertisements mention a Tele-Theatre, which may have been more aspiration than implementa tion as no further details are forthcoming.
1955 September 1 Changes to live theatre with films in the afternoons and on Sundays.
1955 October or late 1957/early 1958 Closes. The exact date is hard to discover as advertising is, to say the least, intermittent.
Brighton cinema directory
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