
Laws about Brighton and Hove


Other categories of laws:
The city and its administration
Utilities: water, gas, electricity

For notes about presentation, see introduction.
Lewes to Brighton Road Act
An Act to continue the Term and Powers of an Act passed in the Tenth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty King George the Third, for repairing and widening the Road from Lewes to Brighthelmston, in the County of Sussex.
31 Geo III c.115
Royal assent 13 May 1791
Three other Sussex Road Acts, cc 104, 118 and 137, were passed in the same year.
Roads from Brighton to Lovell Heath Act
47 Geo III c.47
Royal assent 1 August 1807
Repealed by Roads from Brighton and from Austy Cross 1825 c.39

Road from New Chappel to Brighton Act
48 Geo III c.29
Royal assent 14 April 1808
Repealed by Road from New Chapel to Brighton 1830 c18

Lewes to Brighton Road Act
An Act for continuing and amending Two Acts of His present Majesty for repairing and widening the Road from Lewes to Brighthelmstone, in the County of Sussex.
53 Geo III c.47
Royal assent 15 April 1813
Repealed by Lewes to Brighton Road 1833 c.43.

Brighton to Shoreham Bridge Road Act
An Act for making and maintaining a Road from Brighton to Shoreham Bridge in the County of Sussex.
3 Geo IV c.13
Royal assent 15 May 1822
Repealed by Brighton to Shoreham Road 1830 c.63.

Brighton and Shoreham Bridge Road Act
3 Geo IV c.104
An Act to rectify Mistakes in an Act of this Session of Parliament, for making the Road from Brighton to Shoreham Bridge, in the County of Sussex.
Royal assent 15 July 1822
The previous Act omitted to mention that the road runs through the parishes of Wick, Preston and Aldrington; it also concerns turnpikes and toll-booths.
Repealed by Brighton to Shoreham Road 1830 c.63.

Brighthelmstone and Newhaven Road Act
An Act for making and maintaining a Road from Brighthelmstone to Newhaven in the County of Sussex.
5 Geo IV c.91
Royal assent 28 May 1824
The road through Rottingdean to Newhaven, partly incorporating the exisitng road, to be a turnpike. This Act expired: the last turnpike trust was ended in 1895 and all such unrepealed Acts were deemed spent.

Roads from Brighton and from Austy Cross Act
An Act for more effectually repairing the Roads from the Gloucester Hotel in the Town of Brighthelmstone, through the Towns of Cuckfield and Crawley, to the County Oak on Lowell Heath, and certain other Roads therein mentioned; and also for making and maintaining a Branch of Road from Austy Cross, in the Parish of Cuckfield, in West Grinstead; all in the County of Sussex.
6 Geo IV c.39
Royal assent 2 May 1825
Repealed by Brighton, Cuckfield and West Grinstead Turnpike Roads 1854 c.137.

Road from New Chapel to Brighton Act
An Act for more efffectually repairing and maintaining the Road from New Chapel in the County of Surrey to Ditcheling Bost Hills in the County of Sussex, and from thence to the Town of Brighthelmston in the same County; and also for making and maintaining a Branch of Road from the Town of Ditcheling to Clayton in the County of Sussex.
11 Geo IV & 1 Will IV c.18
Royal assent 8 April 1830
Repealed by New Chapel, Lindfield and Brighton Road 1862 c.59.

Brighton, Shoreham and Lancing Road and New Shoreham Bridge Act
An Act for more effectually repairing and improving the Road from Brighton to Shoreham, for building a Bridge over the River Adur at New Shoreham, and for making a Road to Lancing and a Branch Road therefrom, all in the County of Sussex.
11 Geo IV & 1 Will IV c.63
Royal assent 29 May 1830

Lewes to Brighton Road Act
An Act for more effectually repairing the Road from Leives to Brighthelmston in the County of Sussex.
3&4 Will IV c.xliii
Royal assent 6 May 1833

London and Brighton Railway Act
An Act for making a Railway from the London and Croydon Railway to Brighton, with Branches to Shoreham, Newhaven, and Lewes.
7 Will IV & 1 Vict c.cxix
Royal asseent 15 July 1837
The line from London Bridge to West Croydon opened in 1839. Construction of the line to Brighton began in 1838 and opened as far as Haywards Heath on 12 July 1851 and on to Brighton on 21 September 1841. The Shoreham line was ready in May 1840.

South Eastern Railway and London and Brighton Railway Junction Act
An Act to alter and divert the Line of the South-eastern Railway from a Point thereon in the Parish of Chiddingstone in the County of Kent so as to join the London and Brighton Railway at or near Redstone Hill in the Parish of Reigate in the County of Surrey.
2&3 Vict c.79
Royal assent 19 July 1839

Brighton, Shoreham and Lancing Road and Adur Bridge Act
An Act to amend an Act passed in the Eleventh Year of the Reign of King George the Fourth [1830], for repairing and improving the Road from Brighton to Shoreham and Lancing in the County of Sussex, and for other Purposes connected therewith.
4&5 Vict
Expired as to road. The last turnpike trust was ended in 1895 and all such unrepealed Acts were deemed spent.

London and Brighton Railway Act
An Act to enable the London and Brighton Railway Company to raise a further Sum of Money, and for altering and amending the Act relating to such Railway.
6&7 Vict c.xxvii
Royal assent 31 May 1843

Brighton and Chichester Railway Act
An Act for making a Railway from the Shoreham Branch of the London and Brighton Railway to Chichester.
7&8 Vict c.lxvii
Royal assent 4 July 1844

Brighton, Lewes and Hastings Railway Act
An Act for making a Railway from the London and Brighton Railway to Lewes and Hastings, with a Branch therefrom, all in the County of Sussex.
7&8 Vict c.91
Royal assent 29 July 1844
This involved building the Preston Road viaduct in Brighton, beginning in September 1844; John Urpeth Rastrick was the engineer. The line to Lewes opened on 8 June 1846.

Various Acts were passed for the LB&SCR or affecting it in the following years that do not directly affect Brighton and Hove. Only titles are given here.

Brighton, Lewes and Hastings Railway (Keymer Branch) Act
8&9 Vict c.52
London and Brighton Railway (Horsham Branch) Act
8&9 Vict c.113
Brighton, Lewes and Hastings Railway (Hastings, Rye and Ashford Extension) Act
8&9 Vict c.200

London and Brighton Railway (East Grinstead) Act
9&10 Vict c.liv

Brighton, Lewes and Hastings Railway Act
An Act for making Railways from the Brighton, Lewes, and Hastings Railway to Eastbourne, to Hailsham, and to Seaford and Newhaven, and certain Deviations from the Line of the said Railway, all in the County of Sussex.
9&10 Vict c.lxiii
Royal assent 18 June 1846

London and Brighton (Littlehampton Branch) Railway Act
9&10 Vict c.68
London and Brighton (Steyning Branch) Railway Act
9&10 Vict c.69
London and Brighton Railway (Wandsworth Branch) Act
9&10 Vict c.281

London and Brighton Railway Act
9&10 Vict c.cclxxxiii
An Act to consolidate and unite the London and Brighton and the London and Croydon Railway Companies and the Undertakings belonging to them.
Royal Assent 27 July 1846
Allowed the formal merger of the London and Brighton (L&BR), London and Croydon (L&CR), Brighton and Chichester (B&CR), Brighton Lewes and Hasting (BLHR) and Croydon and Epsom (C&ER) railway companies.
L&BR already owned the B&CR and the BL&HR and was the principal shareholder in the C&ER.

Brighton and Chichester (Portsmouth Extension) and London and South Western Railways Act
10&11 Vict c.ccxliv

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Act
An Act for making an Alteration in the New Cross Station; and for amending the Powers and Provisions of the several Acts relating to the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway.
11&12 Vict c.136
Royal assent 14 August 1848

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Act
An Act to enable the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company to enlarge their Station at London Bridge, and their Goods Station at Brighton, and to make a Branch Railway to the Crystal Palace; and For converting1 the Debenture Debt of the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company into Stock or Shares; and for other Purposes.
16&17 Vict c.c
Royal aassent 8 July 1853

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Act
An Act to enable the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company to enlarge their Stations at New Cross, the Bricklayers Arms, and Norwood; to widen the Branch Railway called "The Thames Junction Railway," and their Main Line of Railway in the Neighbourhood of such Branch; to increase their Capital, and to establish a Provident Institution for their Servants and Workmen; and for other Purposes.
17&18 Vict c.57
Royal assent 2 June 1854

Brighton, Cuckfield and West Grinstead Turnpike Roads Act
An Act for continuing the Term and amending and extending the Provisions of the Act relating to the Brighton, Cuckfield, and Lovell Heath and Cuckfield and West Grinsted Turnpike Roads.
17&18 Vict c.cxxxvii
Royal assent 3 July 1854

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Capital) Act
21&22 Vict c.57
London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (New Lines) Act
21&22 Vict c.84

Epsom and Leatherhead Railway (South Western and Brighton) Act
23&24 Vict c.158

London Brighton and South Coast Railway (Stations, &c) Act
An Act to enable the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company to make certain Alterations in their Coast Lines and in the Line of the West End of London and Crystal Palace Railway, a new Channel for the River Arun, and other Works ; and for other Purposes.
23&24 Vict c.171
Royal assent 23 July 1860

Brighton, Uckfield and Tunbridge Wells Railway Act
An Act for making a Railway from the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway at Uckfield in the County of Sussex to Tunbridge Wells in the County of Kent, and for other Purposes
24&25 Vict c.174
Royal assent 22 July 1861

New Chapel, Lindfield and Brighton Road Act
An Act to repeal the Act[c] relating to the New Chapel, Lindfield, and Brighton, and Ditcheling and Clayton Roads, and to make other Provisions in lieu thereof.
25&26 Vict c.lix

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Stations, &c) Act
25&26 Vict c.68
London Brighton and South Coast Railway (New Lines) Act
25&26 Vict c.78

London Brighton and South Coast Railway (Dorking to Leatherhead) Act

26&27 Vict c.137
London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Extensions, &c) Act
An Act to enable the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company to make Extensions and Alterations of their Railways authorized by The London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway (New Lines) Act, 1862, and other Works; and for other Purposes.
26&27 Vict c.cxlii
Royal assent 13 July 1863

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Various Powers) Act An Act to enable the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company to make a new Line of Railway at Croydon, and a Tramway at Newhaven; to acquire additional Lands; and for other Purposes.
26&27 Vict c.cxcii
Royal assent 21 July 1863

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Mitcham and Tooting Lines, &c) Act
26&27 Vict c.218
Victoria Station and Pimlico Railway Act
26&27 Vict c.227

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Kemptown Station and Line) Act
An Act to enable the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company to provide Station Accommodation at Kemp Town, Brighton, and to construct a new Railway in connexion therewith; and for other Purposes.
27&28 Vict. c.64
Royal Assent 13 May 1864
Included authority to buy land bounded by Eastern Road, the 'continuation of Upper Bedford Street' [yet to be called Park Road East, now Freshfield Road] and the grounds of Brighton College.

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Ouse Valley Line) Act
27&28 Vict. c.123
London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Steamboats) Act
27&28 Vict. c.154
London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Tunbridge Wells and Eastbourne Line) Act
27&28 Vict. c.172
London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Battersea Lines) Act
27&28 Vict. c.274
London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Additional Powers) Act
27&28 Vict. c.345

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (St Leonards Line) Act
28&29 Vict. c.50
London,Brighton and South Coast Railway (Additional Powers) Act
28&29 Vict. c.66
Tooting, Merton and Wimbledon Railway (South Western and Brighton) Act
28&29 Vict. c.273

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (St Leonard's Deviations) Act
29&30 Vict. c.234
London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Capital and Powers) Act
29&30 Vict. c.281

South Eastern and London, Chatham and Dover (London, Lewes and Brighton) Railways Act
An Act for making Railways from the South-eastern and London, Chatham and Dover Rwailways in various Districts and Place in Kent, Surrey, and Sussex, and to the Towns of Lewes and Brighton; and for other purposes.
29&30 Vict. c.318
Royal assent 6 August 1866
Authorised the construction of a railway branching off the main London to Dover line, to be built in five stages, the last running from Lewes to the east side of the Steine Gardens in Brighton (ie, Grand Parade).
Repealed by London, Lewes, and Brighton Railways Abandonment Act 1868 c.123.

London Brighton and South Coast Railway Act
An Act for authorizing the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company to execute new Works, and Alterations of authorized Works, and to acquire additional Lands in Surrey, Sussex, and Kent; for extending the Time for exercising the Powers relating; to certain Railways in Sussex; for sanctioning Arrangements with the South-eastern Railway Company; and for other Purposes.
30&31 Vict c.clxiii
Royal assent 25 July 1867

London, Lewes, and Brighton Railways Abandonment Act
An Act for the Abandonment of the Railways authorized by the South-eastern and London, Chatham, and Dover (London, Lewes, and Brighton) Railways Act, 1866..
31&32 Vict. c.cxxiii
Royal assent 13 July 1868
Abolished the plan for the railway enacted in 1866.
Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 2013 as spent.

London Brighton and South Coast Railway Act
31&32 Vict. c.cxxxiv

London Brighton and South Coast and Surrey and Sussex Junction Railway Companies' Amalgamation Act
An Act for the amalgamation of the Surrey and Sussex Junction Railway Company with the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company; and for other purposes.
32&33 Vict. c.lxxii
Royal assent 12 July 1869

London Brighton and South Coast Railway Act
An Act to authorise the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Comany to abandon the Worthing Junction, and to make a short Railway for improving the communication with Eastbourne, and to acquire additional Lands, and to sanction Agreements between them and the South-eastern Railway Company; and for other purposes.
33&34 Vict c.154
Royal Assent 1 August 1870
Includes the right to acquire additional lands at Brighton Station and to extinguish rights of eway over these lands.

London Brighton and South Coast Railway Act
An Act to enable the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company to take on lease the Hayling Railways; to consolidate the preference stocks in their capital; to make other provisions with respect to their capital; and for other purposes with relation to the same Company.
37&38 Vict c.54
Royal assent 39 June 1874

London Brighton and South Coast Railway Act
An Act conferring further powers on the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company
38&39 Vict c.96
Royal assent 29 June 2875
Included the power to build a line between Preston [Park] station and Cliftonville [now Hove} station, to purchase lands near Preston [Park] station and to widen the bridge over Trafalgar Street.

London, Brighton and South Coast, and Tunbridge Wells and Eastbourne Railways Act
An Act to vest in the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company the Undertaking of the Tunbridge Wells and Eastbourne Railway Company, and to make better provision for railway communication to Eastbourne.
39&40 Vict
Royal assent 17 June 1876

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Chichester and Midhurst Railway) Act
39&40 Vict c.109
London Brighton and South Coast Railway (Various Powers) Act
39&40 Vict c.144
South Western Railway (Various Powers)
39&40 Vict c.213

London Brighton and South Coast Railway Act
40&41 Vict c.28
South Western and Brighton Railway (Isle of Wight and Ryde Pier Railway) Act
40&41 Vict c.107

Brighton and Dyke Railway Act
An Act for making a Railway between Brighton and the Dyke, in the County of Sussex; and for other purposes.
40&41 Vict c.189
Royal assent 2 August 1877

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Croydon, Oxted and East Grinstead Railways) Act
41&42 Vict c.72
London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Various Powers)
41&42 Vict c.74

South Western and Brighton Railway Companies (Steam Vessels)
42&43 Vict c.30
London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Various Powers)
42&43 Vict c.31

Brighton and Dyke Railway Act
An Act to revive the powers and extend the periods for the compulsory purchase of lands and for the construction of the Brighton and Dyke Railway.
44&45 Vict c.118
Royal assent 18 July 1881

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Capital) Act
An Act to enable the London Brighton and South Coast Railway Company to raise further Capital.
45&46 Vict c.v Royal asseent 28 April 1882

Brighton District Tramways Act
An Act to authorise the construction of Street Tramways between Shoreham and Hove in the county of Susses; and for other purposes.
45&46 Vict c.89
Royal Assent 3 July 1882
Authority to lay tramways in the parishes of New Shoreham, Kingston-by-Sea, Southwick, Portslade and Aldrington.

London Brighton and South Coast Railway (Various Powers) Act
45&46 Vict c.93

London Brighton and South Coast Railway (Various Powers) Act
47&48 Vict c.97

London Brighton and South Coast Railway (Various Powers) Act
48&49 Vict c.67

London, Brighton & South Coast Railway (Various Powers) Act
An Act to confer further powers on the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Company.
49&50 Vict c.37
Royal Assent 4 Jun 1886

Brighton and Dyke Railway Act
An Act to enlarge the time for opening the Brighton and Dyke Railway for the public conveyance of passengers.
49&50 Vict c.45
Royal assent 4 June 1886

Brighton, Rottingdean and Newhaven Direct Railway Act
An Act for making a railway from Brighton to Rottingdean and Newhaven in the county of Sussex and for other purposes.
49&50 Vict c.100
Royal Assent 25 June 1886
This was a scheme to build a link between the LB&SCR lines at Kemp Town in Brighton and Denton in Newhaven.
Repealed by Brighton, Rottingdean and Newhaven Direct Railway 1887 c.192 and Brighton, Rottingdean and Newhaven Direct Railway (Abandonment) Act 1894 c.144.

London, Brighton & South Coast Railway (Various Powers) Act
50&51 Vict c.xxix

Brighton and Dyke Railway Act
An Act to extend the time for completing and opening the Brighton and Dyke Railway.
50&51 Vict c.clxviii
Royal assent 27 January 1887

Brighton, Rottingdean and Newhaven Direct Railway Act
An Act to authorise the Brighton, Rottingdean, and Newhaven Direct Railway Company to make a Railway in Brighton in connection with their authorised Railway; and for other purposes.
50&51 Vict c.cxcii
Royal assent 23 August 1887
Repealed by Brighton, Rottingdean and Newhaven Direct Railway (Abandonment) Act 1894 c.cxliv.

London, Brighton & South Coast Railway (Various Powers) Act
51&52 Vict c.17

Brighton, Rottingdean and Newhaven Direct Railway Act
An Act to extend the time for the purchase of land for and completion of the Brighton, Rottingdean and Newhaven Direct Railway and for other purposes.
52&53 Vict c.29
Repealed by Brighton, Rottingdean and Newhaven Direct Railway (Abandonment) Act 1894 c.cxliv.

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Agreements Confirmation) Act
An Act to confirm Modifications made by the Award of an Umpire in certain Agreements between the London, Brighton and South Coast and South Eastern Railway Companies and the Extension of those Agreements.
53&54 Vict c.39

London, Brighton & South Coast Railway (Various Powers) Act
53&54 Vict c.148

London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order
Order of the Board of Trade under the Railway and Canal Traffic Act, 1888, embodying the classification of merchandise traffic and the authorised schedule of maximum rates and charges, including all terminal charges applicable to the said classification of the London, Brighton, and South Coast Company, and certain other railway companies connected therewith.
Confirmed by
London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act
An Act to confirm a Provisional Order made by the Board of Trade under the Railway and Canal Traffic Act, 1888, containing the Classification of Merchandise Traffic, and the Schedule of Maximum Rates and Charges applicable thereto, of the London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company, and certain other Railway Companies connected therewith.
54&55 Vict c.217
Royal Assent 5 August 1891.
Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 2013 as spent.

London, Brighton & South Coast Railway (Various Powers) Act
55&56 Vict c.122

Brighton, Rottingdean and Newhaven Direct Railway Act
An Act to extend the time for the purchase of land for and completion of the Brighton, Rottingdean and Newhaven Direct Railway and for other purposes.
56&57 Vict c.150
Repealed by Brighton, Rottingdean and Newhaven Direct Railway (Abandonment) Act 1894 c.144.

Brighton and Rottingdean Seashore Electric Tramroad Act
An Act for making a Tramroad along the Seashore from Brighton to Eottingdean in the County of Sussex and a Jetty or Landing Stage at Rottingdean and for other purpose.
56&57 Vict c.clviiii
Royal Assent 27 July 1893
Permitted the construction of Magnus Volk's Sea-going Car ('Daddy Longlegs') by the Brighton and Rottingdean Seashore Electric Tramroad Company.

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Steam Vessels) Act
An Act to extend the provisions of the London Brighton and South Coast Railway Company (Steamboats) Act 1864.
57&58 Vict
Royal assent 1 June 1894

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Act
57&58 Vict c.104

Brighton Rottingdean and Newhaven Direct Railway (Abandonment) Act
57&58 Vict c.144
Royal Assent 31 July 1894.
Cancelled the 1886 Act after two Acts in 1889 and 1893 had extended the time allowed for the project.
Repealed by Statute Law (Repeals) Act 2013 as spent.

Brighton and Rottingdean Seashore Electric Tramroad Act
An Act to extend the time for completing and opening the Brighton and Rottingdean Seashore Electric Tramroad to raise additional Capital and for other purposes.
59&60 Vict c.33
Royal assent 2 July 1896

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Act
59&60 Vict c.128

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Act
61&62 Vict c.111

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Pensions) Act
62&63 Vict c.54

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Various Powers) Act
An Act to empower the London Brighton and South Coast Railway Company to widen their existing railways and to purchase additional lands and for other purposes.
62&63 Vict c.205
Royal Assent 1 August 1899.
Provision to widen the railway at Victoria Station and at various other points.

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Various Powers) Act
63&64 Vict c.30

Brighton Corporation Act
An Act to empower the mayor aldermen and burgesses of the county borough of Brighton to construct and work tramways to erect eletric gewnerating stations and for other purposes.
63&64 Vict c.99
Royal Assent 30 July 1900
Costs are estimated as: for construction of the tramways and street works and purchase of lands £200,000; for the electric generating station and electric lines including purchase of land £400,000; for waterworks £350,000—a total of £950,000.
Repealed by Tramways Order Confirmation (No 1) Act 1902 c.202.

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Act
1 Edw VII c.111

Brighton Corporation Tramways [bye-laws]
Made 2 August 1901
Full set of bye-laws at London Gazette, 13 August 1901: 5346-7 (opens in new window)

Brighton Corporation Tramways Order
Made 19 September 1901
No 7: no smoking inside or on front three rows outside.
See London Gazette, 24 September 1901: 6236

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Act
2 Edw VII c.8

Brighton and Rottingdean Seashore Electric Tramroad Act
An Act to authorise the Brighton and Rottingdean Seashore Electric Tramroad Company to divert a portion of their existing and authorised tramroad in the county of Sussex and to construct a new tramroad in lieu thereof and for other Purposes.
2 Edw VII c.13
Royala sseent 28 April 1902

Tramways Orders Confirmation (No 1) Act
2 Edw VII c.202
Repealed by Brighton Corporation Act 1931 c.109. Brighton Corporation Tramways Order
[Summary] Power to Corporation of Brighton to Construct Tramways in the Borough and work same by Mechanical Power; Breaking-up of Streets; Purchase of Lands; Tolls, &c; Application of Funds and Borrowing of Money; Rates; Incorporation, Amendment and Repeal of Acts, &c. [London Gazette, 19 November 1901, 7547ff].
Includes details of routes 1,1a, 2, 2a and 2b.

Brighton Corporation Tramways [bye-laws]
Made 29 October 1903
Nos 2,3 and 4: no smoking inside or in front of the trolley pole and no spitting anywhere, penalty not exceeding 40s (£2). In force from 1 January 1904.
[See London Gazette, 3 Nov 1903: 6705]

Brighton Corporation Tramway Provisional Order
[See London Gazette, 20 Nov 1903: 7261-2]

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Act
3 Edw VII c.120

Brighton Corporation Act
An Act to empower the mayor aldermen and burgesses of the county borough of Brighton to construct and work tramways and for other purposes.
3 Edw VII c.225
See under The City and Its Administration.

A proposed Bill for Hove Corporation Tramways was reported in the London Gazette (21 November 1902: 7685ff) that may have been superseded by the following.

Hove, Worthing and District Tramways Act
An Act to authorise the British Electric Traction Company Limited to construct new tramways between Worthing and Shoreham to work such new tramways and to adapt the existing tramways between Shoreham and Hove for working by electrical or other mechanical power and for other purposes.
3 Edw VII c.204
Royal Assent 11 August 1903
[Summary] Construction of new and additional tramways in the Boroughs of Hove and Worthing, the urban districts of Portslade-by-Sea, New Shoreham, and Littlehampton, and the rural districts of Steyning West and East Preston, in the county of Sussex; Abandonment of portion of existing tramway; Adaptation of existing tramways for working by electrical or other mechanical power; Interference with streets, roads, etc; Compulsory purchase of lands, etc; Power to purchase parts only of properties; Provision of footbridge by widening existing bridge at Kingston-by-Sea; Power to deviate; Works in connection with Tramways and other works; Generating stations; Electrical or other motive power; Gauge; Posts; Overhead wires; Tolls; Running Powers over Tramways of Corporation of Brighton, &c; Agreements as to supply of electrical energy; Purchase of Norfolk Bridge by West Sussex County Council; Power to East Sussex County Council and Corporations of Brighton, Hove, and Worthing, and Councils of Urban Districts of Portslade-by-Sea, Southwick, and New Shoreham, and Rural District of Steyning West, to apply funds and levy rates for contributions to County Council for cost of purchase and of maintenance of Norfolk Bridge, and to enter into agreements; Power to East Sussex County Council and Councils of Urban District of Littlehampton and Rural District of East Preston, and other Local Authorities and persons to enter into agreements; Provisions empowering the Local Authorities affected to adapt existing, and construct proposed, tramways and other works in lieu of Company; Amendment or repeal of the provisions of section 43 of the Tramways Act, 1870, with respect to the acquisition of the tramways by Local Authorities, and of 11 Geo IV cap. 02 with respect to Norfolk Bridge; Provisions with respect to vesting of Undertaking of Brighton and Shoreham Tramways Company Limited in British Electric Traction Company Limited; Bye-laws and regulations; Incorporation, amendment and application or repeal of Acts; Other powers and purposes. [London Gazette, 21 November 1902, 7833ff] 1906
London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Act
6 Edw VII c.145

Brighton Corporation Tramways [bye-laws]
Made 6 July 1906
No 23: no dogs or other animals allowed on trams except small dogs carried by owner on upper deck at discretion of conductor; penalty not exceeding 40s (£2).
See London Gazette, 7 August 1906: 5466

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Act
8 Edw VII c.83

London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (Steam Vessels) Act
1&2 Geo V c.xi
London, Brighton and South Coast Railway Act
1&2 Geo V c.lx

Brighton Corporation Tramways [bye-laws]
Made 4 May 1911
Complete revision.
See London Gazette, 12 May 1911, 3647f]

Brighton, Hove and District Railless Traction Act
An Act to empower the Brighton Hove and Preston United Omnibus Company Limited to work their omnibuses by means of railless traction and for other purposes.
1&2 Geo 5
Royal assent 18 August 1911
[Summary] Construction of Overhead Apparatus for Railless Traction in the Boroughs of Brighton, Hove and Worthing, the Urban Districts of Portslade, Shoreham-by-Sea, and Southwick, the Rural Districts of Steyning West and Steyning East; Omnibuses and Cars; Motive Power; Fares, Rates and Charges; Application of Provisions relating to Tramways; Exclusion of provisions relating to Locomotives and Motor Cars; Special provisions as to Tolls over Norfolk Bridge; Street Improvements; Compulsory Purchase of Land; Exemption from Section 92 of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845; Compensation to be Paid; Empowering Local Authorities to Contribute; Generating Station; Supply of Electricity for Traction and other Purposes; Power to Run over and Use Portions of the Tramways of the Brighton Corporation; Alteration of Overhead Equipment; Empowering Local Authorities to Construct and Lease Overhead Equipment and to Borrow Money for the Purpose; Power to Purchase the Hove, Worthing and District Tramways Undertaking of the British Electric Traction Company Limited; Agreements with Local Authorities; Repeal or Amendment of Hove, Worthing and District Tramways Act, 1903, and other Acts; Incorporation Amendment and Repeal of Acts. [London Gazette, 24 November 1911, 8814ff]
• Promoted by Brighton, Hove and Preston United Omnibus Company; describes proposed trolley routes.

Repealed by Brighton Corporation Act 1931

Brighton Corporation Act
An Act to empower the mayor aldermen and burgesses of the county borough of Brighton to provide and use trolley vehicles and for other purposes.
This was for an experimental railless trolley experiment. Costs are given as: purchase of land, construction of buildings, underground cableway and cable £22,600; overhead line equipment, shelters and miscellaneous equipment £11,700; trolley vehicles £27,250; provision and running of omnibuses £15,000—a total of £76,550.
See under The City and Its Administration.

Hove Corporation Act
An Act to enable the mayor aldermen and burgesses of the borough of Hove to provide and run vehicles by means of railless traction and for other pruposes.
2&3 Geo V, c. 60
Royal Assent 7 August 1912
[Summary] Power to Hove Corporation to use Trolley Vehicles within the Borough and outside the Borough, in the Urban Districts of Portslade-by-Sea, Southwick and Shoreham-by-Sea, and to Construct Overhead and other Equipment therefor; Power to Board of Trade to Authorize Additional Routes; Works, &c, for Supplying and Working by Electrical Energy, &c; Tolls, Rates and Charges; Attachment of Brackets to Buildings, Waiting Rooms, Stages, &c, and Provision of Trolley Vehicles; Cutting and Lopping of Trees and Removal of Snow; Regulations and Bye-laws; Motor Omnibuses, &c; as to Construction, Leasing, Working, &c, Trolley Routes outside Borough; Agreements as to Working, Leasing, &c; Joint Committees; Running Powers; Acquisition of Lands for Generating Station, &c; Generation and Supply of Electrical Energy and Agreements in regard thereto; Extension of Hove (Aldrington) Electric Lighting Order, 1898, to the aforesaid Urban Districts; Removal of Existing Tramway in Parish of Aldrington; Application of Funds and Borrowing Powers to Corporations and other Local Authorities; Repeal, Amendment, &c, of Acts, &c. [London Gazette, 21 November 1911, 8594ff]
The cost estimates were: purchase of lands £4,000, erection of generating station £15,000, other buildings £5,000, overhead equipment £24,100, provision of troley vehicles £24,000, provision and operation of motor omnibuses £12,000—a total of £84,100.

Repealed (except s.54) by Hove Corporation Act 1947 c.30.

Brighton Corporation Act
An Act to authorise the transfer to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the county borough of Brighton of the powers vested in the Brighton, Hove, and Preston United Omnibus Company, Limited, under the Brighton, Hove, and District Railless Traction Act, 1911, and to sanction and confirm the purchase by the Corporation of lands adjoining the borough in the parishes of Ovingdean and Rottingdean; and for other purposes.
3&4 Geo V c.46
Royal assent 15 August 1913

London Brighton and South Coast Railway Act
4&5 Geo V c. 102

Special Acts (Extension of Time) Act
Allowed local authorities to extend the time needed to complete transport projects established under previous legislation.
7 August 1917: Hove [London Gazette, 17 August 1917, 8464 and 28 September 1917, 10074]
29 April 1918: Brighton [London Gazette, 10 May 1918: 5621]
31 August 1918: Brighton [London Gazette, 6 September 2918: 10576]
28 April 1919: Brighton [London Gazette, 6 May 1919: 5669]
10 March 1920: Brighton [London Gazette, 19 March 1920: 3448]
1922: Period allowed for erection of Brighton trolley service in Brighton Order 1917 extended by year from 7 August 1922.

Brighton Order
Re Motor omnibuses.
See London Gazette, 20 January 1920: 841ff

Southern Railway Act
14&15 Geo V c.66

Trunk Roads Act
1 Edw VIII & 1 Geo VI c.5
Royal assent 18 December 1936
This Public Act designated the A23 London-Brighton road as a trunk road.
Read the Act here

Brighton Corporation (Transport) Act
An Act to confirm an agreement between the Brighton Corporation and the Brighton Hove and District Omnibus Company Limited for the provision and working in co-ordination of passenger road transport by the said Corporation and the said Company and the sharing of revenues thereof and other matters to confer powers upon the said Corporation and Company in connection with the running of trolley vehicles to enact provisions with respect to the abandonment by the said Corporation of their tramways and with respect to the railway known as "Volk's Electric Railway" to empower the said Corporation to borrow money and for other purposes.
1&2 Geo VI c.89
Royal Assent 29 July 1938
Repealed (except part of s.32) by East Sussex Act 1981 c.25.

Brighton Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order
Identifies some routes.
[See London Gazette, 29 November 1947: 5859]

Confirmed by
Brighton Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act
10&11 Geo VI c.xxv
Royal Assent 31 July 1947

Transport Act
10&11 Geo VI c.
Royal Assent 6 August 1947
Nationalised bus services. The Brighton, Hove and District Omnibus Company, owned and operated by Thomas Tilling Ltd, was taken into public ownership.

Brighton Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order
[See London Gazette, 27 November 1951: 6196]
Confirmed by
Brighton Corporation (Trolley Vehicles) Order Confirmation Act
15&16 Geo VI & 1 Eliz II c.21
Royal Assent 1 August 1952
Repealed by East Sussex Act 1981 c.25.

Statute Law (Repeals) Act
2013 c.2
Royal Assent 31 January 2013
Repealed much 'spent' legislation including London, Lewes, and Brighton Railways Abandonment Act 1868, Brighton Rottingdean and Newhaven Direct Railway (Abandonment) Act 1894,. London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company (Rates and Charges) Order Confirmation Act 1891

SI 1991 no 2594 The Folkestone-Honiton Trunk Road (A27 Brighton By-Pass and Slip Roads) Order 1984, Variation Order
SI 2001 no 2272 The Road Traffic (Permitted Parking Area and Special Parking Area) (City of Brighton & Hove) Order

Other categories of laws:
The city and its administration
Utilities: water, gas, electricity


Page updated 17 November 2024