
Brighton and Hove people

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Many famous (and some infamous) people were born, lived or died in Brighton and Hove. Some names included here are of important but lesser known individuals. This list is unlikely ever to be complete as more interesting names come to light.

The list includes people whose names are commemorated within the city. It does not include living people. Respect for their privacy outweighs any preference they may have for publicity.

Names beginning with
A  B  C  D  E   F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
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Abbey, Alderman Henry
Abbey, William Henry
Abergavenny family
Abinger, Lady Elizabeth
Abmuty, Catherine Constantia
Addinsell, Richard
Adelaide, Princess
Adler, Dr Nathan Marcus
Ainsworth, William Harrison
Albert, Prince
Alcock, Charles William
Alexandra, Princess
Allan, Elizabeth
Allanson-Winn, Charles, 3rd Baron Headley
Allen, Chesney
Allen, (Alfred) Hylton
Ambient, Mark
Amherst, Hugh, 4th Earl Amherst
Amherst, Jeffery, 1st Baron Amherst
Amherst, William Pitt, 1st Earl Amherst of Arracan
Angier, Sir Theodore Vivian Samuel
Anstruther, Sir Wyndham Carmichael
Arditti, Luigi
Arundell, Francis Vyvyan Jago
Attree, Thomas
Attree, William
Aubrey Le Blond, Mrs

Badcock, John
Baldwin, Edmund Chaplin
Baldwin, Stanley
Barnett, Dame Henrietta Octavia Weston
Barnett, Samuel Augustus
Barrasford, Thomas
Bashford, Celia
Battersby, Martin
Bayley, Laura
Bayly, Ada Ellen
Beal, Ernest Frederick
Beal, Frank George
Beard family
Beardsley, Aubrey
Bellingham family
Benett, Vere Fane
Benett-Stanford, John Montagu
Benney, Sallis
Beresford, Gerald Waddington
Beresford, Lord Marcus Talbot de la Poer
Best, Edna Clara
Bevan, Robert painter
Bevan, Robert banker
Billinton, Robert John
Binder, Pearl (Polly)
Birch, Lt-General Sir Noel
Blaber, William
Black, Arthur
Black, Clementina
Black, David
Black, Alderman Hugh Milner
Black, Tom Campbell
Blackett, Admiral Henry
Blaker, Frederick
Blaker, Sir John George
Blaker, Sir Reginald
Bodle, Richard
Bond, Sir Hubert
Booth, Edward Thomas
Boucicault, Dion
Boulting, John
Boulting, Roy
Bourchier, Arthur
Bowen, Sir George Ferguson
Bowring, Edgar Alfred
Bowring, Walter Andrew
Box, Thomas
Boxall, William Percival
Boyce, Sarah
Brackenbury, Hannah
Bridge, Frank
Brigden, Alderman John Leonhardt
Briggs, Sir John Thomas
Brill, Charles
Bristol, Frederick William Hervey, 1st Marquess/5th Earl of
Brooke, Valentine
Brooke-Pechell, Vice-Admiral Sir George Richard
Brooker, Henry
Brown, Captain Samuel
Browne, Hablot Knight ('Phiz')
Brunel, Adrian Hope
Buchanan, Jack
Burleigh, Averil
Burleigh, Charles H H
Burleigh, Veronica
Burne-Jones, Sir Edward
Burrows, Sir John Cordy
Butt, Dame Clara Ellen
Byam, Lt-General Edward
Byng, Douglas

Calvert, Louis
Cameron, Elizabeth Caroline Colebrook Gordon
Camelford, 1st Baron
Campbell, John, Marquess of Lorne
Canning, Rt Hon George
Carden, Alderman Sir Herbert
Carpenter, Charles
Carpenter, Edward
Carson, Sir Edward
Carver, Deryk
Casey, Terance
CathcartG, General Sir George
Catt, Charles
Catt, Charles William
Catt, William
Cavendish, William George Spencer, 6th Duke of Devonshire
Chadborn, Charles Nugent
Channon, Jack
Chart, Ellen Nye
Chart, Henry Nye
Chart, Jack
Chatfield, Frederick
Clarke, Somers
Clements, Sir John
Clifton, Lieut-General Sir Arthur Benjamin
Clives, Captain
Cobb, Alderman George, Jr
Cobbold, Charles H
Cochran, C B
Codrington, Admiral Sir Edward
Cohen, Joseph
Cohen, Levy Emmanuel
Colin, Jean
Collings, Arthur Albert (Esmé)
Combridge, John Theodore
Compton-Burnett, Dame Ivy
Coningham, William
Constable, John
Copinger, Walter Arthur
Copley, John
Coppard, A E
Cornford, Ernie
Courtney-King, Eric
Cowley, Harry
Crowhurst, Robert
Crown, J L
Curwen, Eldred
Curwen, Elizabeth Caroline Colebrook Gordon
Cusack-Smith, Sir (Thomas) Berry
Custance, Olive Eleanor (Lady Alfred Douglas)
Cutts, Graham

Dacres, Field Marshall Sir Richard
Dacres, Admiral Sir Sidney
D'Aguilar, Major-General Sir George Charles
Dalrymple, Major-General Sir Adolphus John
Dalton, Sam (William John)
Dare, Phyllis
Darling, Alfred
Darling, General Sir Ralph
Davidson, W Lascelles
Davies, William Edmund
D'Avigdor-Goldsmid, Sir Osmond
De Chassiron, Baroness Alice Margueretta Crichton
de la Pasture, Elizabeth Bonham
Delve, Sir Frederick William
De Rosaz, Chevalier Francois
Devis, Arthur
Devonshire, Duke of
Dewé, William Tombs
De Worms, Baron George
Dickens, Charles
Dickins, Charles Scrase
Dickins, Charles Robert Scrase
Dickins, Charles Spencer Scrase
Dodson, Sarah Paxton Ball
Dorset, Earls/Dukes of
Douglas, Lord Alfred
D'Oyly-John, Cecil
Drewitt, Stanley
Duff, Alexander
Dyer, Anson

Ediss, Connie
Edlin, Tubby
Edmunds, Christina
Egremont, Earls of
Elliott, Charles
Elliott, Charlotte
Elliott, Rev Henry Venn
Ellis, James
Elphinstone-Dick Harriet
Elrington family
Elvey, Maurice
Elwyn-Jones, Lord Frederick
Enraght, Fr Richard William
Evans, Maurice
Everard, Rev Edward
Everest, Sir George William
Ewart, Sir Joseph

Falconer, Francis Alexander Keith, 2nd Baron Kintore
Farr, Tommy
Fawcett, Henry
Fawcett, Dame Millicent Garrett
Fielding, Copley
Fife, Duke and Duchess of
Filmer, Sir Edmund
Filmer, Lady Mary Georgina
Finlay, Frank
Fisher, Herbert William
FitzClarence, William George, 2nd Earl of Munster
Fitzherbert, Maria
Fleetwood, Sir Peter Hesketh-
Flemyng, Robert
Forsyth, Commander Charles Codrington
Francis, Derek
Francis, Raymond
Frankiss, Betty
Freshfield, Charles Kaye
Friend, Daniel
Friese Greene, William
Fyffe, Will

Gallard, George
Garfield, Leon
Garnett, Constance Clara
Garrick, John
Gibney, Sir John
Gill, Eric
Ginnett, John Frederick
Gleitze, Mercedes
Gloag, General A R
Godley, William
Godwinson, Harold
Golding, Joyce
Goldsmid, Sir Isaac Lyon
Goldsmid, Isabel
Goldsmid, Sir Julian
Gomm, Field Marshal Sir William Maynard
Gordon-Lennox, Charles Henry, 6th Duke of Richmond
Goulty, Rev John Nelson
Gouraud, Colonel George Edward
Grant, Admiral Sir Percy
Grant, Rear-Admiral Sir Richard
Green, Nigel
Gregory, Barnard
Gunn, Martha

Hall, Donald George
Hall, Sir Edward Marshall
Hallett, William
Hallett, William Henry
Hamilton, Patrick
Hannah, Archdeacon John
Hannington, Bishop James
Harding, Gilbert
Hardwick family
Hardy, Alderman Miss Margaret
Harley, Harold
Harty, Sir Hamilton
Hayes, Patricia
Hawkins-Whitshed, Lady Elizabeth Alice Frances
Hazelden, Mark
Head, Graham
Henniker-Heaton, Sir Herbert
Hervey, Frederick William
Hill, Captain Henry
Hill, Sir Rowland
Hilliard, Patricia
Hilton, Daisy & Violet
Hindmarsh, Sir John
Hoare, Bertie Rex O'Bryen (Sammy)
Hoare, Prince
Hobbs, Sir Jack
Hobden, Dennis
Holmes, Roy Leslie
Holyoake, Jacob
Hounsom, William Allin
Howell, Charles
Hozier, William Wallace, 1st Baron Newlands

Iden, George
Infield, Henry J
Infield, J Henson
Ingram, Henry Manning
Ionides, Constantine Alexander
Iredell, Lieut-General Francis S

Jacobs, Harry
Jefferies, Richard
Johnson, Howard S
Jones, Frederick Elwyn
Jumeaux, Dr Benjamin

Kaye, Violette
Keen, Jeff
Kemp, Nathaniel
Kemp, Thomas
Kemp, Thomas Read
Kenealy, Edward Vaughan Hyde
Kendall, Rev George William
Kerrison, General Sir Edward
King, Brigadier-General Sir Charles Wallis
King-Hall, Admiral Sir George Fowler
Kirkman, Sydney
Koe, Lawrence
Kropotkin, Prince Pyotr

Lacy, Henry Charles
Lambourne, Albert
Landseer, Sir Edwin
Langridge, John
Lauderdale, 11th Earl of
Lawrence, John
Leech, John
Lepard, Ernest
Lewenstein, Oscar
Lidbury, Sir David J
Lidiard, Victoria
Lillywhite, William
Lloyd, Edward
Loder, Gerald Walter Erskine, Lord Wakehurst
Loftus, Lord George Herbert
Louise, Princess Royal
Lowther, Alderman Edward
Louise, Princess, Duchess of Fife
Lucraft, George
Lupino, Ida
Lyons, Edward Elias
Lyons, Edward F (Teddy)
Lyndhurst, John Copley, 1st Baron
Lyttelton, George William, 4th Baron

Macdona, Charles
McKay, Jock
McNair, Robin
Maddick, Edmund Distin
Mahomed, Frederick
Mahomed, Frederick Akbar
Mahomed, James Kerriman
Mahomed, Sake Dean
Mainstone, Frank
Maitland, Admiral of the Fleet Thomas, 11th Earl of Lauderdale
Mantell, Gideon Algernon
Marrane, André
Marriott, Sir William Thackeray
Marryat, Florence
Marshall, E J
Marx, Eleanor
Marx, Emile
Masquerier, John James
Maugham, Robin, 2nd Viscount
Maxwell, Sir William Alexander
Mayall, John J E
Meade, Theodosia, Countless of Clanwilliam
Melnotte-Wyatt, Violet
Melvill, Sir Peter Melvill
Melville, Alan
Merrifield, Charles William
Merrifield, Frederic
Merrifield, Henry Constable
Merrifield, Mary Philadelphia
Metternich, Prince Klemens Wenzel Nepomuk Lothar von
Michell, Rev H
Michell, James Charles
Middleton, Guy
Mighell family
Miller, Max
Mitchell, G Ruthven
Mocatta, Moses
Montefiore, Jacob
Moon, William
Moore, Decima
Moore, Eva
Moorsom, Lt-Col Robert Moorsom
Morgan, Maria, Dowager Countess of Carhampton
Mosley, Sir Oswald, 4th bt
Mosley, Sir Oswald, 5th bt
Mowatt, Sir Francis
Mumford, Stanley J

Nanson John Talbot
Nash Frederick
Neagle, Dame Anna
Nevill family
Nevill, William, 1st Marquess of Abergavenny
Newlands, Lord
Noble, Sgt Dennis
Nibbs, R H
Noble, Ray
Normanton, Helena
Noyes, Alfred

O'Connor, T P (Thomas Power)
Ogle, Hebe Emily Maritana
O'Keeffe, Adelaide
Olivier, Laurence
Onslow, Sir Richard
O'Shea, Mrs Katharine (Katie, Kitty)

Paine, Cornelius
Pankhurst, Edward John
Parnell, Charles Stewart
Patten, Arthur Fowler
Paxton, Air Vice-Marshall Sir Anthony
Pears, Harry William Kilby
Pecchio, Count Giuseppe
Peel, Laurence
Pelham, Henry
Pelham, Henry
Pelham, Henry, 3rd Earl of Chichester
Pelham, Thomas
Pelham, Thomas, 1st Earl of Chichester
Pelham, Thomas, 2nd Earl of Chichester
Pelham, Walter John, 4th Earl of Chichester
Pelham-Holles, Thomas, 1st Duke of Newcastle
Pennant, Lady Emma
Pepys, Sir Lucas
Percy, Dorothy and Philadelphia
Pertwee, William Desmond Anthony (Bill)
Pfenninger, Otto
Philips, Henry
Piper, Major-General Robert Sloper
Pitt,Thomas, 1st Baron Camelford
Popham, James Kidwell
Poune, Stephen
Powell, Margaret
Prendergast, General Sir Jeffrey

Quilter, Sir Roger
Quin, Ann
Quinn, James

Ramsay, Peggy
Randolph, Admiral Sir George Granville
Rattigan, Terence
Rawlinson, Herbert
Rawson, Alfred Cooper
Reddish, Professor
Reeve, Douglas
Rendel, Stuart, 1st Baron Rendel
Richards, Sir Richard
Richardson, Ralph
Richmond, 6th Duke of
Rigden, William Marsh
Robertson, Frederick W
Robertson, Sir William Tindal
Robey, George
Robinson, General Sir Frederick Philipse
Robson, Flora
Robey, George
Rockett, Houghton
Roddick, Anita
Roe, Eliza Sophie Frances
Roe, William
Roe, William Thomas
Rooke, Valentine
Rose, William
Rosse, Laurence, 2nd Earl of
Round, J H
Rowell, Harriet Elizabeth
Russell, Lord John
Russell, Dr Richard
Russell, Major Villeroy

Sackville family
Salomons, Philip
Samuel, Israel
Sassoon family
Sayers, Tom
Scott family
Scrace family
Sedgwick, Amy
Seymour-ConwayG, Lord George
Shakespeare, Percy
Shee, Sir Martin Archer
Shelley, Sir John
Shelley, William
Sherman, Ben
Shirley (Sherley) family
Shute, General Sir Charles Cameron
Slight, Lewis
Smith, Sir Charles Aubrey
Smith, Major-General Sir Charles Holled
Smith, George Albert
Smith, Horace
Smith, Lieut-General James Webber
Smithers family
Solomon, Henry
Somerset, General Lord Charles Henry
Spencer, Herbert
Stanford family
Stapley family
Stenbock, Count Eric
Stoneham, William
Stringer, Alderman Dorothy
Stroudley, William
Struve, Dr Frederick Adolph August
Suvadhana, Princess, of Siam

Taaffe, Dr Richard Patrick Burke
Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de
Tamplin, Henry Pagden
Tamplin, Richard
Tamplin, William Cloves
Tarner, Edwin Adolphus
Tarner, Edwin Tilbury
Tarner, Letitia Tilbury
Tate, Fred
Tate, Maurice
Thellusson, Charles Sabine Augustus
Theobald, Stanley
Thomas-Stanford, Sir Charles
Thornton, Surgeon-General Sir James Howard
Tierney, Sir Matthew John
Tilley, Vesta, Lady de Frece
Tillstone, Benjamin
Tredcroft, Nathaniel
Trinder, Tommy
Turner, Minnie Sara
Turton, James Richard Henry
Tynte, Col Charles James Kemys

Upton, Elizabeth Albana
Urban, Charles

Vallence, Charles Jr
Vallence, Charles Snr
Vallence, Edmund
Vallence, James
Vallence, John
Vallence, John Brooker
Varipati, Mme R
Varley, Henry
Villiers, Lady Adela
Vine, William
Vivian, General Sir Robert
Vokins, William Henry
Volk, George Herbert
Volk, Magnus

Wagner, Rev Arthur Douglas
Wagner, Rev Henry Michell
Walker, Syd
Watkin, David
Watson, Sir William
Wellesley, Lt-Gen Arthur Richard, 2nd Duke of Wellington
West, Lockwood
Western, Charles
Western, Charles Callis
Western, Thomas
Western, Thomas Walsingham
Westphal, Admiral Sir George Augustus
Whaley, Eddie
Whichelo family
Whistler, Reginald John (Rex)
WigglesworthHEP Wigglesworth, Air Marshall Sir Philip
Wigney, George Adolphus
Wigney, Isaac Newton
Wigney, William
Wilberforce, Brigadier General Sir Herbert William
Wilberforce, Dr Octavia Margaret
Wilcox, Herbert
Wilde, Oscar
Willett (Catt), Henry
Williams, Ralph Vaughan
Williamson, James
Willing, James
Wisden, John
Witting, Sigismund Charles
Wood, Thomas Huntley
Woodhead, Grace Eyre
Woodruff, Alderman George Baldwin
Wright, Captain Theodore, VC
Wyndham, Earls of Egremont

Yearsley John
Youens (Popley), Bernard Arthur


Page updated 8 September 2024