Streets of Brighton & Hove


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K Census districts lists references
Kelly Road, Hove
Private road off Hove Park Road. Ke1936—
Kemp Street

North Laine CA.
Contrary to some sources, the houses were not renumbered shortly after the discovery at 47 (see below); they are still sequentially numbered from the south-west corner, returning down the east side.
      ph 29 was the Blue Anchor from 1869 and had a plaque by the door with that name until 2017. It closed in 1910, had various commercial uses and is now residential.
      ph 34 was a beerhouse from 1843 possibly called The Carpenter's Arms initially but its name was Camden Arms Inn by 1848. It closed by 1905 and had various commercial uses, including as dining rooms from 1934 to c1960. It is now residential.
      47 (old numbering) where the decomposing corpse of Violette Kaye, victim in one of the 1934 Brighton trunk murders, was found in the basement.
Kemp Town CA Conservation area, designated in 1970 and extended in 1977, comprising 19.40hz (47.94 acres). Character statement
Kemptown Now conventionally one word but originally Kemp Town, to identify the development of Lewes Crescent, Sussex Square, Arundel Terrace and Chichester Terrace by Thomas Read Kemp, a member of an old Sussex family—Kemp(e)—which had lived at Preston since the 16th century.
      The name is applied to a wider area in the east of Brighton than Kemp's planned development of the 1820s, now more or less anywhere east of Grand Parade and south of Eastern Road as far as Arundel Road.
Kemp Town Branch Line The branch line from Brighton station, effectively a spur of the Lewes line, was opened on 3 August 1869. It left the Lewes line just to the north of Prince's Road/Mayo Road, ran through what is now the Centenary Industrial Estate at Hughes Road, over the Lewes Road Viaduct, then south-east into a deep cutting from Hartington Road, where there was a Halt, along the area now occupied by William Clarke Park and into a 945m tunnel behind Elm Grove School, emerging into the Kemp Town station yard and Kemp Town Station in the appropriately named Coalbrook Road between Freshfield Road and Sutherland Road. The fare from Brighton to Kemp Town was 2d. It closed for passenger traffic on 31 December 1932, although it continued to carry coal and other goods until 1971. The land was subsequently bought by Brighton Corporation.  
Kemp Town Enclosures Private gardens laid out in the 1820s by Henry Philips and Henry Kendall for the Kemp Town Estate. Grade II listed1. 1HE 1001313
Kemp Town Industrial Estate Developed during late 1970s on the site of the former Kemp Town railway station and sidings, the brickworked entrances to the tunnels still being visible at the rear of the site.  
Kemp Town Mews Between Chichester Place and Rock Grove.
      Built 1824-1828, it was numbered 21 October 18861and renamed Kemp Town Place 20 June 19292.
1ESRO DB/D/27/227
2ESRO DB/D/27/69
Kemp Town Mews
Gated private development off Arundel Place.
Kemp Town Place

Kemp Town CA.
Formerly Kemp Town Mews, it was renamed 20 June 19294 and is now a private road.
      1-7 including 1-3 Rock Grove are Grade II listed1, including the lamp brackets on nos 2 and 6a.
      8-15 are Grade II listed2.
      8, 8a were damaged by bombing on 14 September 19403.
1HE 1380631
2HE 1380632
3Rowland (2008)
4ESRO DB/D/27/69
Kemptown Road Name of Eastern Road west of Sussex Square on Sickelmore's 1830 map and Bruce's 1833 map.
Kemp Town Station At the end of the Kemp Town Branch Line, the station opened on 1 August 1869. It had a single platform on the west side of the three lines that reached the station through the large goods yard. The passenger service close on 1 January 1933 and the platform was later removed. The Station continued to receive freight until 26 June 1971. The land was acquired by Brighton Corporation and the station building was demolished. The entrance road to an industrial estate is now on the site. Disused stations
Kemp's Terrace Original name for the eastern section of Lorna Road running north from Cromwell Road1. 'Other houses building' in Pa1884. Pa1884–To1898
1ESRO DO/C/6/763
Kendal Road, Aldrington
Named after Rev George William Kendall of Bradford, Yorkshire, who came into ownership of a parcel of land on 6 February 1893 for £1,000. This land and a neighbouring plot owned by William Stoneham (see Stoneham Road), were among lands conveyed to George Payne of Brighton and Edgar Payne of Bayswater, London for £11,345 on 30 July 1900, by when this road and others adjacent were already laid out in plan1. No houses listed in 1901, 34 in To1903. Pi1901—
1ESRO AMS5976/1
Kenilworth Close, Lower Bevendean
Cul-de-sac off Norwich Drive. No properties listed in Ke1949. Ke1949—
Kenmure Avenue, Patcham

Fourteen pairs of bungalows in English moderne style and one other bungalow. Ke1935—
Kensington Gardens

North Laine CA.
A pedestrian-only shopping street, developed on the west side in 1820-1822. Number of properties in 1822: 14.
      3, 6 and 7 were sold at auction (copyhold of the Manor of Atlingworth) on 21 January 1830; they produced annual rents of 65gns.
      5 was a mission hall in late Victorian times.
      ph 13-14, The White Rabbit opened as The Kensington [below] in 1910; at the end of the century it was Garden's before acquiring its current name.
      22 was the first Body Shop, opened by Anita Roddick on 27 March 1976. It is marked with a City of Brighton & Hove plaque.
      ph 37 was The Red Lion, here in 1832 and closed in 1917.
      Bollard at the junction with North Road is Grade II listed.
1The Kensington
Images: 1. 13-14 The Kensington [Brighton & Hove Museums]
Kensington Place

North Laine CA.
Built c1835.
      [ph] 17 was the Hearts of Oak beerhouse from c1832 until 1919.
      23 was designed by George Tuppen and built by James Towner in 1875 1.
      30-37 and 41-52 are Grade II listed.
      34 was the residence of Peggy Ramsay. City of Brighton & Hove plaque, unveiled by Simon Callow in June 2009.
Census1841; Br1845—
Kensington Street

North Laine CA.
      4-7, 9, 11-14 are 12 affordable homes in two- and three-storey buildings filling three gaps on the west side where slum properties had been cleared in the late 1960s/early 1970s and left as parking lots. They were designed by Baily Garner and built by Sunninghill Construction for Brighton and Hove City Council at a cost of £2.1m. Prior to development the walls around the empty places were renowned for street art. Census1841; Br1845—
1967 image
Kent's Buildings       1 was the premises of Thomas Kent, a builder1. Messrs Kent, builders and lime merchants, were at 59 West Street. 1Co1799
Kent's Court/Rents At 32 or 52 Upper Russell Street.
      A square behind West Cliff (King's Road) on the site now occupied by Kingswest; a 'miniature square in 1779'1; Kent was the local builder. Court: 1826-1851.
Census1841; Ke1846–Ke1970
1Harrison and North
Kent Street At 1 West Street, rear of King's Road.
No properties listed after 1932. The site is now occupied by the Odeon Kingswest.
      †The West Street Brewery was here.
Census1841; Ta1854–Ke1964
Kenton Road, Hove
Six pairs of Tudorbethan semi-detached houses, not listed in Ke1932. Ke1932—
Kenwards, Coldean
Cul-de-sac ending at Coldean Primary School. Ke1954—
Kerrison('s) Mews, Hove

Brunswick Town CA.
Pedestrian-only area between Upper Market Street and Lower Market Street, round the eastern side of the Old Market. It is named after General Sir Edward Kerrison. A street nameplate with this name on 3 Lower Market Street is misplaced. Census1911
Kestrel Close, Hove
Cul-de-sac of mock-Georgian town houses off Upper Drive. Ke1968—
Kevin Gardens, Woodingdean
Cul-de-sac of detached bungalows and two-storey semi-detached houses, none listed in Ke1969. Numbered 11 November 19681. Who is/was Kevin? Ke1969—
1ESRO DB/D/27/440
Kew Place   Ba1822
Kew Street

West Hill CA.
  Census1841; PO1846—
Kimberley Road
BN2 4EN, 4EP
A crescent from Ladysmith Road of two-storey terraced housing, part of a complex of streets to the east of Lewes Road commemorating the Second Boer War, Kimberley being the diamond mining town in Cape Colony that was besieged from October 1899 to February 1900, when it was relieved by Lieutenant-General John French's cavalry, part of Lord Roberts' forces. Housing was built in two phases, the first in 1904-1906 when 42 houses were built by Blackman, 36 for Cruttenden1 and six for Baker2, plus eight built by Birch for Robinson3. Further building began in 1925 with eight houses for Heather by W Peters4, then 77 more houses were built by the Aylings (G and J) in 1927-19305. To1904—
1ESRO DB/D/7/5863, 6078, 6097
2ESRO DB/D/7/5871
3ESRO DB/D/7/6167
4ESRO DB/D/7/6889
5ESRO DB/D/7/8000, 8071, 8116, 8135, 8258, 8297, 8630
King George VI Avenue (A2038)

Woodland Drive CA (open land to east adjoining Dyke Road Avenue).
George VI (b.1895, r.1936-1952). Ke1947—
King George VI Drive
Runs alongside King George VI Avenue with housing on the east side, alternating two pairs of red-brick semi-detached houses with one pair of Tudorbethan for much of its length.The lower section is a cul-de-sac. Ke1964—
King Place
The southern stub of the former King Street on the north side of North Street.
      West side near the junction with North Street was demolished late 1938 and remained a derelict site used as a corporation car park until the late 1940s, when Barclays Bank was built (?).
King Street

North Laine CA (26, 27).
Formerly Kings Street. Number of properties in 1822: 52. Numbered 1-30 on the west side, 31-60 on the east. Only the northern stub remains on the south side of Church Street (see also King Place).
      ph21, The Running Horse [below] was here by 1822 and closed in 1964.
      ph23, The Sportsman's Call opened c1891 and closed by 1926.
      ph40, The Flying Scud Arms was here from 1885 to 1938.
      ph43 was the brthplace of Alfred Holmes.
      ph56, The Dreadnought opened as a beerhouse c1864 and closed in 1915.
      †43. Gerrard's Court was here.
The Running Horse
Image: 21, The Running Horse [RS James Gray Collection]
King's Cliff King's Cliff Court, Marine Parade.  
King's Esplanade
BN3 2WA, 3Wp, 3WQ, 3WR, 3WS

The Avenues CA (from Fourth Avenue to St John's Road).

Cliftonville CA (8, Medina House, Benham Court, Spa Court).
Formerly known as Medina Esplanade.
      Hove Baths and Laundry was built in 1893 by Hove Baths and Laundry Company. That company was wound up in 1915 and the mortgage foreclosed by London City and Westminster Bank. The baths closed in 1938 when King Alfred opened. It was used for industrial purposes after the war but was derelict by the early 1970s and demolished in 19761. Bath Court now stands in this space.
      St Aubyn's Mansions was built c1900.
            8 was a summer holiday residence of former music hall star Vesta Tilley (Lady de Frece) from 19472.
      Two seafront shelters, dating from the mid 19th century but renovated since, are Grade II listed3.
1James Gray
2Women of Brighton
3HE 1187563, 1380525
King's Gardens
BN3 2PE, 2PF, 2PG

The Avenues CA.
Kingsway, Hove. Only one property listed 'and other houses unoccupied' in Pa1881.
      1 was built c1890 by J T Chappell. Grade II listed1, as is the wall fronting the garden to the east 2.
      2-4 were built c1890 by J T Chappell. Grade II listed3.
      8-14 were built c1880 and are Grade II listed4.
      8 was the residence of Arthur Sassoon. King Edward VII stayed here three times. In 1917 it was bought by newspaper tycoon Sir Arthur Pearson for use as a convalescent home for officers. It was converted into flats in 1922.
      9 King's Court was a residence of Hon Alan de Tatton Egerton (1845-1920), later 3rd Baron Egerton, while he was MP for Knutsford (the family seat was at Tatton Park).
      14 was the residence of Sir George Martin-Holloway, who took over the philanthropic work on the death of his brother-in-law, Thomas Holloway, who used his patent medicines fortune to found Royal Holloway College and the Holloway Sanatorium at Virginia Water (and lived at Tittenhurst Park, the future residence of John Lennon and then Ringo Starr).
      15-16 are in Fourth Avenue
1HE 1187566
2HE 1205922
3HE 1205945, 1187567, 1280449
4HE 1187568
King's Mews, Hove

The Avenues CA.
See Third Avenue.  
King's Parade
Terrace of nine shop premises with separate flats above between Hythe Road and Sandgate Road on the west side of Ditchling Road, separately numbered (1-17 odd numbers only), replacing 267-275 Dicthling Road.  
King's Road
BN1 2FA, 2HJ, 2HL, 2JG

Old Town CA (3 Queens House, 4, 5, Queens Hotel, 7-15 consecutive, 15a, 16, Jury's Waterfront Hotel, Old Ship Hotel, 39-66 consecutive).

Regency Square CA (102-154 consecutive including Grand Hotel, Hotel Metropole, Bedford Hotel, Cavendish House, Kings Hotel, Kingsley Court, The Brighton Hotel, Norfolk Resort Hotel, Embassy Court, West Pier; Esplanade shelters, putting greens, pools, bandstand).
(A259). Progressively built along the seafront, the first section was east of Russell Street between 1780 and 1788, after which the section to Regency Square was built by 1799 and the section westwards in the early 1800s. The section between Middle Street and West Street, the construction supervised by A H Wilds, was opened by George IV in 1822, creating a through road along the front. Formerly called Shoreham Road. Number of properties in 1822: 104. In 1845 the width of the road, then 40ft, was doubled when a sea-wall was built to connect the eastern and western promenades and the battery moved, at an estimated cost of £14,00029. The road was numbered in 1838 and to the western borough boundary before1 and on 30 October 18902. Improvements were made in 1936-1937.

NORTH SIDE east to west
      Queen's Hotel, originally known as the Royal or Markwell's Hotel (after the proprietor, J Markwell), was built on the site of Mohamed's Baths, where the battery previously stood. It opened on 30 July 1870. The architect was John Whichcord and the builder James Winterbourn24.
      2-5 see 1-2a East Street.
      6 was designed by Amon Henry Wilds c1825 as a terraced house. It is now part of the Queen's Hotel. Grade II listed 12.
      Dolphin Cottage, to the rear of nos 7-9, is a pair of fisherman's cottages, possibly dating in part from as early as 1720. It is Grade II listed9.
The Star & Garter —Here is Little East Street.
      ph 16, The Star & Garter [right] dates back partly to 1750, when it opened as the Star and Garter hotel. It acquired the nickname Dr Brighton's during the 19th century and that name was adopted around the end of the 20th century. Among celebrities who have stayed here are Richard Burton, Charlie Chaplin, the boxer Jack Dempsey and the future Edward VIII. It closed c2018 and was restored as the Star & Garter in 2022. It is Grade II listed3.
      Leonardo Royal Hotel Brighton Waterfront was built 1984-87 as the Ramada Renaissance Hotel at a cost of £25m23. An unfortunate addition to the seafront as it obliterated the southern part of Market Street, severing the vital connection into the Old Town. It later became the Thistle Hotel, then Jurys Inn Brighton Waterfront from 2015 until 2022.
—Here is Black Lion Street.
      Old Ship Assembly Rooms see Ship Street.
—Here is Ship Street.
      51-53, now a residential hostel for University of Sussex students, for many years had the word LOVE painted in large letters across the roof, with the 'ban the bomb' symbol in the O.
      56 was regularly visited by Michael Faraday (1784-1858) . In the late 19th century it was the residence of James Willing.
—Here is Middle Street.
      64-66 was designed in 1881 in Queen Anne Style for George Swan Nottage, a City of London alderman (Lord Mayor in 1884), by Thomas Lainson & Son at an estimated cost of £42,000, to includeseven shops with offices and a hotel with 51 rooms above a basement. The facings are of two shades of terra cotta from the Tamar Terra Cotta Company and the original building included three hydraulic lifts.27
—Here is West Street.
      67-68 was the Daily Telegraph Building, rebuilt by Joseph & Smithers in 1907/0821.
      82-83 was Mutton's Hotel and Restaurant, founded in 1820 by William Sexton Mutton. It closed in 1929 and became the Continental restaurant until it was demolished in 1962 to make way for yje Brighton Centre.
      Brighton Centre has a plaque marking the last concert performed by Bing Crosby (1903-1977) on 12 October 1977, two days before his death.
      †85 was the Alhambra Opera House and Music Hall, designed by Frank Matcham, later the Palladium Cinema. It closed on 26 May 1956 and was derelict for a number of years until demolished in 1963. The site was then derelict until the Brighton Centre was built.
      †90-91 was the photographic studio, opened on 18 July 1864, of John J E Mayall.
      †94 was Pier Lodge, residence of Baroness Alice Crichton de Chassiron from before 1930 until 1936. It was then the Kings Court Private Hotel, which featured in the film of Brighton Rock (1947), and from c1960 to c1965 was a private residence until demolished ot make way for Brighton Centre.
      97-99, Grand Hotel was built in 1862-1864 to a design by John Whichcord. At the time it was the largest hotel (150 rooms) and the tallest building in Brighton. It is Grade II listed4. It was here, at 2:40am on 12 October 1984 that an IRA bomb demolished much of the front of the hotel, where delegates to the Conservative Party conference were staying, including the prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, and members of the cabinet. Five people were killed. A remarkably detailed model of the hotel after the bombing, made for use in evidence at the trial of the bombers, can be seen in the Police Cells Museum at the Town Hall in Bartholomews.
      †99 prior to building of the Grand Hotel, this was Battery House, occupied by the commander of the local defences.
—Here is Cannon Place.
      106-121, Metropole Hotel was designed by Alfred Waterhouse and opened in July 1890. Despite initial hostile reactions to its red brick and terracotta appearance, it soon became an icon for the Brighton seafront and was the largest hotel outside London for some time. Sir George Ferguson Bowen died here on 21 February 1899. The exhibition halls at the rear of the hotel and the Sussex Heights residential tower block were designed by Richard Seifert & Partners and completed in 1966, requiring the demolition of properties in St Margaret's Place, Cannon Place and Queensbury Mews.
—Here is Queensbury Mews.
      122 was the residence of Moses Mocatta in the 1840s-1850s.
      †127-128 were known as Queensbury Place in the 1860s. Demolished for the construction of the Metropole Hotel.
      125-126 and 128 were built c1825 and are Grade II listed5.
      129, Abbotts [Court] is a block of 17 flats on eight floors built in 1969 on the site of Abbott's Hotel, opened in 1929, which in turn replaced West Pier Mansions lodging house (1880-1912)
—Here is Regency Square.
      131, also identified as 1 Regency Square, is Grade II* listed6.
      132 was the Pandora Gallery, site of the first film screening in the UK outside London on 25 March 1896. A (badly eroded) Cinema 100 plaque marks the event. Soon after it became the Victoria Hall, which was also used for film shows of R W Paul's 'celebrated Animatographe' from 6 July 1896 to early November that year. The building is now the Melrose restaurant.
      133-134, Astra House was originally designed as a private members' club, The New Club, for the local gentry by Thomas Lainson, replacing a lodging house. Cheesman & Co built it, the tender price being £4,27826. It was demolished c1938 and replaced by the current building, which contains 61 flats, intended then for use by RAF personnelbut sold generally. The original name, the New Club, was revived in 2012 for a restaurant on the ground floor.
—Here is Preston Street.
      134 was auctioned on 4 May 1861 on behalf of the Countess de Noailles22.
—Here is Little Preston Street.
      †137, Bedford Hotel opened in October 1829, designed by Thomas Cooper for William Mansfield. Among many famous people who stayed there was Charles Dickens, who wrote Dombey and Son while staying here. A planning application in 1963 to replace the hotel controversially with a 14-storey tower block was refused. The hotel was destroyed by fire on 1 April 1964, causing the death of two people.
      137, Holiday Inn, opened on 16 September 1967 as the Bedford Hotel and, above it, the Bedford Towers apartments. The building was designed by R Seifert & Partners to replace the former Bedford Hotel. A City of Brighton & Hove plaque marks Charles Dickens' visits to the earlier hotel.
—Here is Cavendish Place.
      †138, Byam House was probably built c1829-1830, premusably for the Byam family (Edward Byam married Elizabeth Temple in 1829) and let as a furnished house until it was the residence of Major-General Edward Byam by 1858. By 1865 it was the Brighton Union Club.
      139-141 The Kings Hotel was known as Oriental Terrace until 1895. Furnished lodgings, owned by T H King, until it became [Mrs] King's private hotel in 1874.
—Here is Oriental Place.
      142, Kingsley Court, a six-storey block of 20 flats, stands on the site of
      †142, Abinger House, built in 1851 for the Dowager Lady Abinger, widow of the Chief Baron of the Exchequer, and initially known as West Cliff House. It became the residence of Gerald Loder MP. It became a public house owned by Edlin in 1955, closed in 1967 and was demolished.
—Here is Montpelier Road.
—Here is Bedford Square.
      146-148, built 1807-1818, are Grade II listed7. The entrance to 146 is on Bedford Square.
      149 Mercure Hotel. Norfolk Arms Hotel was here before 1822. That was replaced by the Norfolk Resort Hotel, designed by Horatio N Goulty and opened in 1865. The building, along with the walls and piers in the forecourt, are Grade II listed8. The lamp standards at the entrance are part of the 1865 design.
—Here is Norfolk Street.
      153-154, Berkeley Court has its entrance in Western Street.
—Here is Western Street.
      †Western House was built for Lady Hotham c1845. The freehold was sold in 1861 for £5,90024. William Waldorf Astor, 1st Viscount Astor (1848-1919) died here. The site was used for
      Embassy Court is an 11-storey block of 72 flats designed by Wells Coates, completed in 1935, when flats cost £500 a year to rent. It is one of the finest moderne style buildings. promoted for offering 'oceans of ozone'. Graham Greene is said to have stayed here while writing Brighton Rock. Band leader Lou Praeger had a flat (11) here from 1951 to 1966. Rex Harrison lived here following the death of his wife Kay Kendall in 1959. Writers Terence Ratigan (1960-61) and Keith Waterhouse (1983-1992) lived here. After becoming almost derelict, it was renovated by Conran & Partners and completed in November 2006 and is owned by a company in which leaseholders are the shareholders. It is Grade II* listed25. Plaque to Captain Edward Zeff MBE CdeG (1904-1973).

SOUTH SIDE east to west
      Groyne and pleasure promenade west of Palace Pier was formerly (c1880) a coal landing place.
      East Street Groyne contains a sculpture placed here in 1998 and officially called Afloat but also known as the Big Green Bagel. It was commissioned by Brighton Borough Council with a National Lottery grant (and therefore not a gift to the town from the mayor of Naples as sometimes reported). It represents the globe as a torus and was designed c1995 by Hamish Black (b 1948), who studied at Eastbourne College of Art, and cast at Pangolin Editions foundry in Stroud, Gloucestershire.
      Passacaglia is a sculpture on the beach between Middle Street and West Street. It was designed by Charles Hadcock (b.1965) and cast by James W Shenton Ltd. It was installed on 20 March 1998 but removed in 2004 when cracks were found; it was returned without the damaged section in 200713.
Kings Road commemorative lamppost       38 lampposts on the south side are Grade II listed26. The one opposite Regency Square bears a discreet plaque [right] to commemorate the inauguration of electric lighting on the seafront on 16 September 189316; fibreglass replicas of the copper and brass 1930s luminaires were added in 1982.
      Shelter Hall, a kiosk with 10 sides, facing the end of West Street, was built 1883-1887. It was refurbished in 2019 and is now a restaurant and food hall. It is Grade II listed11.
      West Pier was built 1863-66 and opened on 6 October 1866. Designed by Eugenius Birch, the contractors were the Glasgow firm of Laidlaw & Son. The original structure cost £25,000 (cf, the Chain Pier, see Madeira Drive). The Pavilion was added in the 1890s and a concert hall during the Great War—appropriate in view of the pier's use as the set for Richard Attenborough's film of Oh! What a Lovely War (1969). The pier gradually closed between 1965 and 1975, after which it fell into serious disrepair. It was taken over by the West Pier Trust in 1984. Despite neglect and the predations of the elements and arsonists, the pier remains Grade I listed17.
      Brighton Central Pier, facing West Street, was proposed by A Dowson, engineer, on 30 November 188318. A similar scheme was submitted on 30 November 1886 by R St George Moore, engineer19. Neither was built.
      Shelters, built c1883-1887, opposite Oriental Place, Ship Street, the Grand and Metropole Hotels, Western Street, Preston Street are Grade II listed14, as are the railings15—the ones between the Palace Pier and the Metropole Hotel (with wooden top rail) dating from 1886, those westward thence to the borough boundary from 1894.
      Western bandstand, lavatories and walls opposite Bedford Square are Grade II listed20. The bandstand was designed by Brighton's borough surveyor, Philip Causton Lockwood, cast at the Phoenix Foundry in Lewes and opened in 1884.
      In 1872 the council was petitioned to lease a second of the seafront opposite the Norfolk Hotel to create a swimming bath and public bathing station to Professor Cavill, 'the champion swimmer of the south coast'. The surveyor was W W Eldridge28.
      Edward VII Memorial (Peace Statue) is just to the west of the kiosk in front of the West Pier and sits on the boundary between Brighton and Hove. It was designed by Newbury Abbot Trent (1885-1953), cast at A B Burton's foundry and built by Kirkpatrick Brothers. Trent won among 18 competition entrants. Unveiled by the Duke of Norfolk, Lord Lieutenant of Sussex on 12 October 1912, and bears the inscription: 'In the year 1912 the inhabitants of Brighton and Hove provided a home for the Queen's Nurses and erected this monument in memory of Edward VII as a testimony of their enduring loyalty'. The monument is Grade II listed10.
King's Road has featured in many films, including A Highland Maid (1921), Genevieve (1953), Smokescreen (1963), The Ploughman's Lunch (1983), Circus (2000) and MirrorMask (2005).
1ESRO DB/D/27/259
2ESRO DB/D/27/221
3HE 1381637
4HE 1381654
5HE 1381638, 1381639
6HE 1381640
7HE 1381641
8HE 1381642, 1381643
9HE 1381636
10HE 1381644
11HE 1381646
12HE 1381635
13Brighton Sculpture Trail
14HE 1381648–1381653
15HE 1381647
16HE 1381656
17HE 1381655
18ESRO QDP/482
19ESRO QDP/499
20HE 1381657
21ESRO DB/D/7/6318
22Brighton Gazette, 18 Apr 1861: 1
23Carder (1990)
24Building News, 27 Sep 1861:792
25HE 1381645
26Building News, 2 Jul 1881:33
27Building News, 17 Dec 1881:754
28The Builder, 6 Jan 1872:20
29The Builder, 22 Feb 1845:92b
King's Road Arches
BN1 1NB, 2FN, 2LN
Constructed originally in the 1820s to support the new coast road and later extended seawards beneath King's Road and used originally for the fishing operations. Improvements were made in 1886 and the arches were renumbered in 1890 and again in 1893; until then the numbers had corresponded with those of the parallel buildings in King's Road itself.
      54 (later 166) was the American Bowling Saloon from 1883, run by Frederick Collins Jr. This was apparently well ahead of its time: one source states that the first bowling alley in Europe opened in Sweden in 19091. In the days before lanes with automated machinery, boys were employed to replace the pins. It was still there in 1921. In 1888 it was also a shooting gallery.
      ph 55a (later 163) was Welcome Brothers when it opened in 1885 and became The Skylark, commemorating the famous pleasure boat, c1911. It closed c1970 and is now a restaurant.
      ph 117, Fortune of War (later 156) opened in 1882.
      170 (later 213) was also a bowling saloon, run by George E Clark.
      201 is now Brighton Fishing Museum.
      National Museum of Penny Slot Machines.
Kingsbury Road
At 12 Baker Street.
      Rose Hill Court is a block of 27 council-owned retirement flats built in 1983, replacing previous post-war housing on the south-east side of Rose Hill Terrace, which it bisected and created Rose Hill Close.
Kingsbury Street
Formerly called Chichester Street, it mostly comprises two-storey terraced cottages opening directly onto the street. Numbering is sequential from the north-west corner, returning long the south side. Nos 1a, 3, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 still have boot-scrapers inset beside the front door. Pa1872—
Kingscote Way
BN1 4GJ, 4HA
One of the more successful elements of the New England Quarter development. Kingscote is the northern terminus station of the Bluebell railway line.  
Kingsley Road
Off The Drove.
The west side (even numbers 36-88) is built behind a raised walkway to accommodate the steep slope of the land. Houses on the east side are three-storey with an area below the street level. Renumbered 20 March 19025.
      4, 6, 8-18 were designed by Anscombe for Wilkinson in 18912.
      8 has an iron-frame and tile street name.
      32, 34, 36-60, 62-88 (even) were built by George Burstow & Sons for Packham in 1898-18996.
      39-59 (odd) were built by George Burstow & Sons for Wilkinson in 19001.
      62 (even) were built by George Burstow & Sons for Packham in 18996.
      88 has a (damaged) iron-frame-and-tile street name.
1ESRO DB/D/7/5145 19 Apr 1900)
2ESRO DB/D/7/2787 (3 Dec 1891), DB/D/7/2794 (17 Dec 1891)
3ESRO DB/D/7/5319 (30 May 1901)
4ESRO DB/D/7/8488, DB/D/7/8496
5ESRO DB/D/27/96
6ESRO DB/D/7/4918 (16 Mar 1899), 4904 (2 Mar 1899), 4741 (2 Jun 1898)
Kingsmere See London Road.  
Kingsthorpe Road, Hove
Part of the Glen Estate. The road was laid out on former allotments by George Burstow for J V Franklin1. No properties listed in To1902-1904. New housing was built on a former industrial site on the north side in 2016/17. To1902—
ESRO DO/C/6/1573 (13 April 1897)
Kingston Close, Coldean
Private road in the University of Brighton Varley Park site.  
Kingston Close, Hangleton
Private road built to follow the line of the former Dyke railway track. Ke1947—
Kingsway, Hove
BN3 2BT, 2TQ, 4FD, 4FG

The Avenues CA (North side: from 15/16 Kings Gardens to the west; to St. John's Road to the east, including Kings Gardens, Queens Gardens and Adelaide Mansions. South side: from Courtenay Gate to the west; to St. John's Road to the east, including Courtenay Gate, Kings Lawns and Kings Esplanade).

Cliftonville CA (Flag Court, Courtenay, Victoria and St Catherine's terraces).

Old Hove CA (Lancaster Court).

Pembroke & Princes CA (143-163 odd).

Sackville Gardens CA (165-203 odd, including Sackville Hotel & Girton House, croquet lawns, bowling greens, Western Lawns & pavilions)
Westward development was in the form of discrete terraces with individual names—hence the absence of building references below—and the then name of Shoreham Road applied only west of Hove Street. The whole was given the name Kingway in February 1910, barely three months before his death, in honour of Edward VII, who stayed several times in 1-4 Queen's Gardens.

NORTH SIDE east to west
—Here are 1-6 Brunswick Terrace.
—Here is Waterloo Street.
—Here are 7-19 Brunswick Terrace.
—Here is Brunswick Square.
—Here are 20-31 Brunswick Terrace.
—Here is Lansdowne Place.
—Here are 32-42 Brunswick Terrace.
—Here is Holland Road.
—Here is Adelaide Crescent.
—Here is St John's Road.
—Here are 1-4 Queen's Gardens.
—Here is First Avenue.
      Kingway Court.
—Here is Second Avenue.
      Kings House.
—Here is Grand Avenue.
—Here are 1-4 King's Gardens.
—Here is Third Avenue.
—Here are 8-14 King's Gardens.
—Here is Fourth Avenue.
      2-5 St Catherine's Terrace were built 1852-1853 with later alterations and are Grade II listed6.
      Pillar box outside 3 St Catherine's Terrace bears the VR royal cipher.
—Here is Albany Villas.
      6 St Catherine's Terrace is Albany Towers, an eight-storey black of flats.
      8 St Catherine's Terrace is The Priory, an eight-storey black of flats.
—Here is Medina Villas.
      St Catherine's Lodge Hotel, Courtenay Terrace
      13-16 St Catherine's Terrace.
—Here is Osborne Villas.
      17-20 St Catherine's Terrace.
—Here is SeafieldRoad.
—Here is St Aubyns.
      The Mirage is in Vallance Gardens.
—Here is Vallance Gardens.
—Here is Hove Street.
      143, Viceroy Lodge.
      153, Princes Marine Hotel was built c1985 on the site of Hove General Hospital nurses' home, built in 1902, that became Hove College by 1912 and closed in 1980. It burnt down in 1983. It was acquired by Best Western in 2013.
—Here is Prince's Crescent.
      157 was designed by Robert F Cromie in 1934 for Ian Stuart Miller, an iron millionaire (but not, as sometimes stated, a 'well-known film director'), and completed in 1935. Miller was an investor in the Lido cinema in Denmark Villas, which was designed by Cromie, a specialist in cinema interiors. Originally designated 1 Princes Crescent, it was a school of nursing and is now owned by the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution and is known as Barford Court, providing residential care and dementia support. The building and its perimeter wall, built in 1931, are Grade II listed2.
—Here is Prince's Crescent.
      165-169 was called Westbourne Terrace.
—Here is Westbourne Villas.
      173-187, as a terrace of eight houses, was called San Remo. It was requisitioned by the Admiralty during World War II, after which the San Remo name was dropped and numbering in Kingsway adopted.
—Here is Sackville Gardens.
      189, Aurum Apartments was built in 2020-2021.
      191 with 193 is on the site of Walsingham Mansions.
      193, Girton House.
      195-203 was 1-10 Walsingham Terrace. Charles Stewart Parnell moved to no 1 from Medina Villas and died here.
—Here is Walsingham Road.
      205-209, Horizon replaced 6-8 Walsingham Terrace.
      211-213 Dorset Court, a block of 40 apartments, was built on the WW2 bomb site of 9-10 Walsingham Terrace in 1958. The entrance is in Carlisle Road.
—Here is Carlisle Road.
      Channings has its entrances in Carlisle Road and Langdale Road.
—Here is Langdale Road.
      225 Langdale Court.
      227-229, Prince of Wales Court. A Brighton & Hove blue plaque erected in November 2022 marks the residence here of John Sullivan (1946-2011), writer of television comedy Only Fools and Horses.
—Here is Langdale Gardens.
      231, Braemore Court
—Here is Braemore Road.
—Here is Berridale Avenue.
      255, Welbeck Mansions.
—Here is Welbeck Avenue.
—Here is Wish Road.
—Here is Glendor Road.
      The Brighton, Shoreham and Lancing Turnpike road ran west from the present-day junction with Glendor Road, with a tollbooth on the south side of Kingsway.
—Here is Tennis Road.
—Here is Norman Road.
—Here is Tandridge Road.
—Here is Saxon Road.
—Here is Roman Road.
—Here is Brittany Road.
—Here is Derek Avenue.
—Here is St Keyna Avenue.
—Here is St Leonard's Gardens.
—Here is Erroll Road.
—Here is St Leonard's Avenue.
—Here is St Leonard's Road.
—Here is Boundary Road.
—Here is Camden Street.
—Here is Middle Street.
—Here is Church Road.
—Here is St Richard's Road.

SOUTH SIDE east to west
      Hove Lawns, aka Brunswick Lawns.
      The groyne opposite Lansdowne Place is curved rather than straight, built in 1881 by Cheesman & Co at a cost of £2,200 as an experiment devised by the Hove borough engineer, E B Ellice-Clark11. A similar second groyne opposite Waterloo Street is now partially lost.
      †Aldrington Pier. A plan for a pier approximately between Sackville Gardens and Walsingham Road was submitted on 28 November 18797; the surveyor and engineer are unknown. Never built.
      †Hove Pier. A plan for a pier facing St Aubyn's was submitted to the Board of Trade on 30 November 1883 by George Gordon Page, engineer10. Another plan for a pier facing First Avenue was submitted on 30 November 1891 by M Noel Ridley and W M Duxbury, engineers of Westminster1. Never built.
      †Cliftonville Pier. A plan for a pier facing Brunswick Cricket Ground (Gausden's, where Third and Fourth Avenues are now) was submitted on 28 November 1868 by J W Wilson, Engineer8. Another scheme for a pier in roughly the same place was proposed by Eugenius Birch, submitted 29 November 18779. Never built.
—Here is Fourth Avenue.
—Here is Courtenay Terrace.
—Here is Medina Terrace.
      Albemarle Mansions, also known as 1 Medina Terrace, was built c1870 as a block of three apartments on an L-shaped plot on the corner between Victoria Terrace and Medina Terrace. It is Grade II listed4.
—Here are 1-9 Victoria Terrace.
—Here is Victoria Cottages.
—Here are 10-14 Victoria Terrace.
—Here is Sussex Road.
—Here are 15-22 Victoria Terrace.
      133 was the Dreadnought Garage, which was used by HMS Vernon (see Marine Drive) for torpedo instruction. It became a Texaco petrol station (closed 2015), now demolished and replaced by
      Waterfront apartments, built 2019/2020.
—Here is St Aubyns South.
      King Alfred Leisure Centre was to have been called Hove Marina at its opening but, even before the public had a chance to use it, it was requisitioned by the Royal Navy and opened as a training establishment for naval officers on 11 September 1939 with the name HMS King Alfred. The name was kept after the war when it finally opened to the public in August 1946.
—Here is Hove Street.
      †Horse trough and drinking fountain were on the western corner of the junction with Hove Street5.
      Hove Lagoon.
—Here is Wharf Road.
Adur Hotel       330, The Gather Inn was built as the Adur Hotel and was opened in 1859 by West Street Brewery. It was taken over by Smithers in 1871 and by Kemp Town Brewery in 1929, for whom it was rebuilt by Denman & Son. It was renamed Kingsway 330 in 1997, then briefly The Blue Lagoon and acquired its current name in 2015. (Note to K1 type telephone kiosk in the image.)
Image: The Adur Hotel in 1927 before rebuilding [RS James Gray Collection]
      332 was built in 2017-2018.
—Here is the eastern arm of Shoreham Harbour.
Pi1912— (as Kingsway)
2HE 1298637, 1280502
3HE 1205849
4HE 1187564
5OS 1909
6HE 1280426
10ESRO QDP/475
11The Builder, 1881-04-30:552
12HE 1204826, 1281033, 1187546, 1204856
Kingswood Street
BN3 9QG, 9QH
Formerly part of Carlton Hill, renamed1 after Kingswood Flats, was built 1938 and named in turn after Sir Kingsley Wood (1881-1943), Minister of Health with responsibility for the national slum clearance policy, on the site of Nelson Place and Sussex Street Primitive Methodist church.
      Catholic Apostolic Church was on the south side on part of the site now occupied by University of Brighton Faculty of Art and Design.
1renamed post 1949?
Kipling Avenue, Woodingdean
BN2 6UD, 6UE, 6UF
Rudyard Kipling lived in nearby Rottingdean (see The Green). Clusters of pairs of terraces of six houses facing across a communal green with garages areas behind each terrace in the north-south section. Numbering 3 June 19651, supplementary numbering 3 March 19662. Ke1949—
1ESRO DB/D/27/429
2ESRO DB/D/27/442
Knab/Knabb/Knap, The The area in the old town to the south-west of the corner of North Street and East Street and including Brighton Place. It dates from the earliest times; 44 houses were present by 1776, another 12 added by 1795.  
Knepp Close, Lower Bevendean
Cul-de-sac of former council housing. Knepp Wildland is a large estate south of Horsham. No properties listed in Ke1949 Ke1949—
Knole Road, Rottingdean
Knole was the village in Kent from which came the landowning Sackville family. Numbered 9 March 19481. Ke1949—
1ESRO DB/D/27/280
Knoll Close, Hove
Cul-de-sac off Godwin Road. It was numbered 9 March 19481. 1ESRO DB/D/27/280
Knoyle Road, Preston

Preston Park CA.
Named after the Wiltshire estates of the Stanford family, who owned the land, it developed piecemeal between 1900 and 1930 and was numbered 23 May 19291.
      Crowhurst Hall was built for Robert Crowhurst in memory of his wife Charlotte and opened in 1928.
      Knoyle Hall (Preston Parish Church Hall) was donated by the then vicar at a cost of £3,000 when a fund-raising campaign proved inadequate. It was opened on 27 March 1913 by the Bishop of Chichester and was used by the newly created University of Sussex as a lecture hall in 1961-62.
1ESRO DB/D/27/144

Streets beginning with
A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Page updated 15 October 2024