
Directory of cinemas in Brighton & Hove

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Prince's Cinema

Prince's News Theatre with its new frontage in 1933

Prince's News Theatre ('This is a Jacey Theatre') in the 1950s and 1960s.

The Brighton Film Theatre probably in 1978.

The same building in 2002. The style of decoration has not changed much in 36 years. However, this painted frontage was painted over when the city council declared it was inappropriate.

Photos: 1933 and 1966 courtesy of Royal Pavilion & Museums Trust; 2002 Terra Media

Bijou Electric Empire (1911-1913)
Bijou Select Palace (1913-1915)
Prince's Electric Theatre (1915-1918)
Prince's Cinema (1919-1947)
Prince's News Theatre (1947-1967)
Jacey Cinema (1967-1969)
Brighton Film Theatre (1969-1978)
Cinescene (1979-1983)

64 North Street, Brighton
operated 1911-1983

• The site had previously been a photographic business in the 1870s.

1911 Opened (at 63a North Street) in the former Southern Publishing Company printing works. Converted by Cooke, Ennever & Tulk in an awkward L-shaped site with a relatively long sloping entrance area and an auditorium to the left at the back. 450 seats.
1913 December 8 Reopened as the Bijou Select Palace after alterations made by Brickwell & Bullock. Now c.650 seats, admission 6d, 9d, 1s; two shows weekly (changes Monday and Thursday), continuous between 14:30 and 22:30.
1914 Acquired by George Bloch (see also Coronation and Imperial Picture Palace).
1915 Renamed the Prince's Electric Theatre.
1919 Renamed the Prince's Cinema.
1929 Westrex sound system installed.
1930 Acquired by Harold B Millar.
1933 New entrance with neon-lit frontage. Planning application for the neon signage made on 1 June.
1935 Acquired by Jacey Cinemas Ltd [Birmingham].
1947 Renamed the Prince's News Theatre, showing a continuous programme of newsreels, short films (B features) and cartoons.
1948 450 seats, prices 10d and 1s 9d, continuous performances, booked in Birmingham.
1953 Prices 10d-1s 10d.
1957 Prices 1s-1s 10d.
1961 454 seats. Prices 1s 6d-2s 6d.
1967 Renamed the Jacey Cinema.
1969 February 24 Opened as Brighton Film Theatre, part of the chain of regional film theatres supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) with art-house programming. At the opening, by BFI director Stanley Reed, are Sir Michael Balcon, Dame Flora Robson (who lived in Marine Gardens at the time), Sheila Sim and Richard Attenborough, who watch Elvira Madigan. Membership costs 1 gn (£1.05) a year.
1978 December A collection of 548 films from the earliest days of the cinema around the world are screened for the 34th Congress of the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF)—the first such event, causing re-assessment of the history of pioneer film-making.
1978 December 31 BFI lease expires, closes.
1979 June Acquired by the Myles Byrne Organisation.
1979 September 10 Re-opened as Cinescene.
1983 June Closed. Last film: The Ploughman's Lunch.

• Now a cinema-themed Burger King fast food restaurant with large-screen video projection.

Brighton cinema directory
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Page updated 27 December 2024
© David Fisher